[hider=Approved Groups] . Group Name: Los Silvestros Police Department; Special Weapons and Tactics (LSPD; SWAT) Purpose: The Swat team is generally called in whenever there's something the mundane cops can't handle. Supernormals who join the police usually end up in the SWAT units. Those who don't end up in SWAT usually join the DSA, the Fire department or the military. Reputation: Like cops in real life the NYPD is often either hated or admired. loved or feared. There are plenty of kids that want to be a part of the SWAT team when they grow up and there have even been tv shows based on swat teams. Foundation: Group Size: Group History: Group Location(s): Legal Status: . Group Name: Department of Supernormal Affairs Purpose: The DSA was created to keep track of criminals with dangerous abilities as well as overtechnology which might become harmful in the wrong hands. Reputation: The DSA are known for being somewhat uptight in their approach to things but this isn't really different from other federal law enforcement groups. It's generally considered pretty serious if they're after you. Foundation: Group Size: Group History: Group Location(s): Legal Status: . Group Name: The League of Masks Purpose: The Masks are essentially an illegal charity of sorts. They donate crimefighting in various ways. Information retrieval, people who hit things, doctors, scientists. All working together to try to do what they feel the police cannot do with all their red tape. Reputation: The Masks are often feared by criminals since they don't follow the laws the police have to follow. The police themselves don't officially approve of them but it's been noted that they don't exactly go after them with all their resources. It's suspected that many cops and lawyers and such are also masks. Foundation: Group Size: Group History: Group Location(s): Legal Status: . Group Name: Special Collections Network Purpose: the SCN is a loosely associated network of mercenaries and special service providers. They tend to work for the highest bidder. They do all sorts of jobs like beating people, assassination, emergency back alley surgery, equipment outfitting and even custom tailoring. All available if you're willing to pay for it. Reputation: The members of the SCN are known for being fairly professional in their work. Most of them. Most of the time. However if you go after one of their special providers they will hunt you down, entirely free of charge, and make an example of you. Foundation: Group Size: Group History: Group Location(s): Legal Status:[/hider] Approved Characters Forge [hider=The Provider]Legal Name: Charles Tamerlane Alias(es): Lord Tamerlane, General Manager. (In his store) The Provider (with the League of Masks.) Physical Appearance: Lord Tamerlane is a tall middle-aged man standing at 6'1", 201 Lbs with a somewhat out of shape build. He has something of a gut from not eating as healthily as he ought to but he's not actually fat, as such. He's broad shouldered and somewhat imposing with a second set of small, thin arms beneath his primary set. These are fully functional. He has straight black hair cut sharply at the shoulders and brown eyes with noticeably asian features and a small pair of pince-nez spectacles. He typically wears a shoulder cape over his collarless suit. It makes him look somewhat like royalty or like some sort of drama villain. When in his other persona as the Provider he wears a suit of high tech powered armour. The exact design varies but it always has a third set of human-like arms and makes his lower arms look just as big as his upper arms. Aside from the six arms it's most noticable feature would be the glowing lines all over it ending at his six hands all of which glow brightly. [img]http://imgur.com/U6VU7Ul.png[/img] Race: Half Anglo-Caucasion and half Japanese Asian. Gender: Male Date of Birth: 1966/4/14 Supernormal Category: Standard Deviation Human. Powers/Skills/Training: The Provider is a brilliant inventor. He has a deft hand (or four) at a wide variety of inventions but he specializes in non-lethal weapons of various kinds as well as armour. He's had years of experience running his business and investments. He has degrees in various kinds of engineering but no doctorates, perhaps why he takes on the gaudy title of Lord. Equipment/Property: He sells a large variety of supernormal equipment, tools and weapons of various kinds as well as a plethora of more mundane items. His store also contains a juice bar for supernormals to feed their constant hunger with his high calorie concoctions and energy bars. It's become something of a hang-out for supernormals in recent years. He also carries a remote on him at all times the controls everything in the store. History: Lord Tamerlane's British father used his brains as a code breaker in the Cold War. His Japanese mother was a wiz at the switch boards with her multiple arms. They met in the line of duty and as was custom at the time married for love and to increase the number of supernormals on their side of the war. He went to college at a young age excelling in several fields but always finding himself stuck at a certain level of advancement. He never got the doctorate he so craved. He was somewhat disappointed with himself, to say the least. He wondered if there was anything out there he could excel at. Eventually it occurred to him that perhaps his specialty was not having a specialty. He seemed to have a moderate level of skill at creating overtechnology of a variety of kinds. He decided to ply his skills at trade. He started out with repairing the work of other inventors with some moderate success. Eventually he made enough to open his own store. Over time he broadened his store into the wide range of products that it sells today. He secretly supplies gadgets to those less fortunate members of the league in his guise as the Provider. Sometimes the DSE takes a special interest in him, especially when his gear somehow ends up in the hands of the illegal vigilantes and other criminals. Still, he's managed to stay open this long and he's fairly confident he will continue to do so. Legal Status: He has duel UK and US citizenship but has not visited the UK in many years due to the necessities of running his shop. Group Membership: He is highly ranked in the league of masks. He provides equipment for most of the members in the city and answers only to the planner.[/hider] [hider=Slim]Legal Name: Jason Statler Alias(es): Slim, Agent Statler, Agent Slim Physical Appearance: Slim's nickname is well earned. He is quite the skinny fellow at a height of 6'4" but weighing only 185 Lbs. His slender frame is always well bedecked in a well cut suit and he always keeps his wiry brown hair combed straight. His grey eyes and clean cut face contribute to his piercing gaze. [img]http://imgur.com/WdozOUc.jpg[/img] Race: Caucasian Gender: Male Date of Birth: 1982/8/21 Supernormal Category: Standard Deviation Human Powers/Skills/Training: Slim is a super speedster, ranked fairly high in overall speed, while not the fastest speedster in the world. His primary advantage is his incredible precision. He has trained himself to an excruciating standard of ability. Like all high level speedsters he also has a medium level of super durability and a low level of super strength. His bones are like steel pipes, his flesh as tough as leather, his hair like copper wire. Equipment/Property: Aside from his service pistol, badge, cuffs and other assorted standard gear he also carries a variety of knives. He carries matched dueling knives and a small variety of throwing knives. He has a specially made pair of business shoes maintained by the DSA. They allow him to stick to nearly any surface in order to aid his ability to run. He controls these with his toes. History: When Slim was a young boy he had difficulty controlling his powers. He was always impatient and had issues with impulse control. His parents eventually signed him up for special training on the weekends. A retired soldier taught the classes. They focused mainly on conquering your impulses and being in charge of your own mind. When he grew up he ended up dropping out of college. He just didn't have the head for long term book study. He found a new purpose for his life in the DSA. Stopping supernormal criminals and tracking them down made him feel truly alive. He's always looking for a challenge to surpass. He also has a soft spot for young supernormals who haven't found their way yet. Eventually he worked his way up the ranks of the field office but he always refused a desk job. He always felt that sitting behind a desk would be more than he could stand. So every day he's out there trying to make a difference in the world. Legal Status: Jason Statler is a legal citizen of the united states and a highly ranked and decorated field agent of the DSA. Group Membership: DSA Field Office[/hider] CalPal [hider=Drake]Legal Name: GA-418 Alias(es): Drake, "Holy shit, it's a dragon." Physical Appearance: Height - (ground to shoulder) - 5' 11" Length (tail to nostril) - 8' 5" Width (shoulder to shoulder) - 3' 4" Wing span - 14' 7" Colouration - Maroon and black-speckled scales with vibrant red underbelly, wing leather is same vibrant red with splotches of similar maroon colour Eye colour - Very dark brown, similar to eyes of lizard species [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-VK258tK6u4E/UurLLio1geI/AAAAAAAAHO0/UPqRGsDEvOs/s1600/dragons7.jpg[/img] Race: Mostly Reptile Gender: Male Date of Birth: 2014/10/12 Supernormal Category: Transgenic Hybrid Reptile Powers/Skills/Training: Flight - Genetically modified to have light bone structures similar to avian fauna, with organic sacks full of hydrogen for buoyancy and flight capabilities controlled internally by Drake, large wing span provides movement and control Fire-breathing - Hydrogen can be expelled at intense velocity, reacting with gullet minerals consumed by Drake to spark and produce fire, potency similar to other PK abilities Natural Claws, Teeth Enhanced Muscles - Genetically modified to have strengthened muscles with minimal bulkiness, allows for flight and very modest amount of super strength because of his size. Regeneration - Over relatively short durations of time, Drake has the capability of fully healing broken muscles and scarred tissue at such a pace that might otherwise be considered 'super', but require extended periods of uninterrupted rest to achieve the desired results. He can also generate hydrogen at an alarming rate. Equipment/Property: Being a large flying lizard means Drake is typically naked. History: Drake, originally classified as 'GA-418', is a genetically modified organism created as a side project under Doctor Birmingham Bayly, co-head of the Joint Helix Corporation. The organization itself was dedicated to the research of biological discoveries and applications, with more classified projects working on non-microscopic biological warfare products for British and NATO armies. On the 12th of October, 2014, a malfunction at their research facility, located in the Highlands of Scotland hours away from any populated regions, caused significant outbreak of genetically altered lifeforms to escape, including GA-418. The exact age of Drake is impossible to calculate without further analysis, as there is no comparable lifeform to match its growth pattern to. Suffice to say that, given its capabilities and its origins, Legal Status: Non-human organism. Until further analysis is complete, Drake may be classified as an extremely dangerous non-microscopic biohazard. Group Membership: Since he is essentially a wild animal he is not a member of any groups Other: Drake is Intelligent but not Sapient. He can't grasp complex concepts in the way that human beings can.[/hider] [hider=Dracula the Second]Name: Domanyk Tepes Alias(es): Domanyk Draculestis; "Dracula the Second"; "Vlad Reincarnate"; "Vlad Dracula" Physical Appearance: Height: 5'10 Weight: 172 lb Eye colour: Navy Blue Hair colour: Dark Brown Clothes: Public wear consists of finely dressed business attire, mostly using a China collar blazer; Cultist wear consists of traditionally-designed Romanian or Hungarian outfits from late Medieval era to early Renaissance era. [img]http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000dBtHoVj3xWI/s/650/650/PW58497-Badacsony-HUNGARY-D333909.jpg[/img] Race: Caucasian with Hungarian and Romanian ancestry Gender: Male Date of Birth: 27/02/1834 Supernormal Category: Vampiric Standard Deviation Human Powers/Skills/Training: Super Intelligence - Extensive experience in the field of administrative work and particular focus on mental focus regarding his telepathic capabilities. Mind Reading* Thought Sending* Empathy* Illusion* *These skills are all collectively used by Domanyk in simultaneous fashion, each finely controlled through his mental focus, to create the closest imaginable thing to direct mind control. All senses, emotions and even nervous impulses are detected in subjects and altered by Domanyk to create desired outcomes in targets. Most frequently used to subdue prey for feeding or coerce people to act favourably in his interests. Equipment/Property: Domanyk is the owner of an abandoned church far from any populated regions that, due to effective administrative exploits, effectively does not exist in any listed documents. Using his own personal finances collected over many years, he has built himself an underground labrynth from which he rules over his cultist following of loyal vampires. History: Domanyk was born to a middle-upper class family of Wallachians who continued to live under Ottoman rule. Though unsubstantiated at best, it was rumoured that this Tepes family had a history of significant telepathic manipulation, making them targets of the state and outcasts by the rest of the local population. In 1857, at the age of 23, Domanyk enlisted in a group of nationalists fighting for Wallachian independence, hoping he could make a better name for his family, but was gravely wounded during a Turkish ambush on the outskirts of Transylvania. On the brink of death, abandoned to the wild, he was saved by chance from a travelling old man, who revealled himself to Domanyk as an old Transylvanian Vampire. He offered Domanyk a chance at immortality, as well as an opportunity to continue his fight against the Turks. With little other option, Domanyk embraced vampirism and was brought back to the Calimanului Alps, to a secret alcove of vampires hidden within a complex cave system. From there, Domanyk worked his way into the position of Steward of the Transylvanian Vampiric Order, keeping stock of supplies that would help in war efforts directed against the Ottomans. While feeding, he also found his innate abilities had grown immensely during the vampiric conversion and allowed him to effectively take over the minds of unaware Turkish people and bend them solely to his will. In 1884, 30 years after he was converted, Domanyk came across an archive of literature pertaining to the Draculestis family lineage - the very lineage of Vlad the Impaler, the father of the Transylvanian Vampiric Order. Domanyk discovered that, through a bastard of the dynasty, he could trace his roots directly to Vlad II, the father of Dracula. With this information, he became zealous and delusional. Many other vampires worried that being linked to Vlad the Impaler both through vampiric and actual blood lines would make him an overly proud man, but very few expected the sort of devotion he would build around this idea. He soon branded himself as Domanyk Draculestis, the reincarnation of Dracula, and manipulated the minds of his closest friends and allies to serve as devout followers. A civil war broke out between the Transylvanian Vampires, culminating in the collapse of the Order and the abandonment of the Calimanului Alps. Domanyk contined to stay in the newly-formed Romania, terrorizing Turkish populations in the Bulgarian region while using Romania as a base of operations, establishing the Reformed Order of the Dragon. On the brink of causing a mass crisis between the Romanians and the Turks due to his massacre, Domanyk decided that he could not risk a conflict that would spill the blood of his old bretheren in a futile war, so he and what remained of his followers journeyed to the new world, travelling across the Atlantic to the United States. Domanyk and his followers started to build a new life in New York, with Domanyk working in the administration of the city. However, with so many co-workers, some began to comment on his odd work schedules, and the underground life was no better, with older Vampiric Orders limiting his capacity for growth. Things quickly turned sour when these Orders also learned of Domanyk's role in the collapse of the Transylvanian Order, forcing him and his followers to take refuge far from the bustle of the East Coast. Eventually, the Order of the Dragon settled in the city of Los Silvestres, where Domanyk, using his talented administrative skills and mind-controlling powers, gained a job working in the administration for Los Silvestres, took an abandoned church, wiped it off of official records and designated the surrounding lands as protected national park lands, thereby guaranteeing isolation from prying eyes. Many years later, he would retire into seclusion, having successfully manipulated the mind of the Deputy Mayor and, through his office, dominating the administration of Los Silvestres. Legal Status: "Deputy Mayor" of Los Silvestres Group Membership: Founder of the Reformed Order of the Dragon[/hider] Tzer [hider=Anton]Legal Name: Anton Lepus Alias(es): As an operative, 'Werwolf'. Among those that know his origin, he is jokingly referred to as 'Ottobahn'. Physical Appearance: Anton Lepus stands 6’4” in his jackboots. He has dark blond hair, a thin mustache, and a dashing saber scar; he looks like a meatier version of Errol Flynn. [img]http://i.imgur.com/XG6sLeH.jpg[/img] Race: Caucasion Gender: Male Date of Birth: 1977/10/1 Supernormal Category: Transgenic Hybrid Human Powers/Skills/Training: Primarily, Super Intelligence. While not exactly a Tony Stark-style inventor, he is a consummate schemer and manipulator- imagine supernatural cleverness rather than mechanical knowledge. (to balance out his other abilities, he can't/doesn't design and create overtech, but will happily make use of it). Low-level super strength, speed, reflexes, and durability. This is a combination of good breeding(including supernormal DNA) and physical conditioning. For scale, he is easily an Olympic-level athlete, but a true superhuman speedster would leave him in the dust. Anton is a learned man, by nature of his super intelligence, and has a very good grasp of many academic subjects including many foreign languages. He has been trained in many different methods of combat and war, from the individual level to the strategic, including special operations and espionage. Anton is incredibly resistant to most any method of information retrieval. He has a high pain threshold, the skills to navigate questioning with ease and to evade modern methods of lie detection. More recently, Anton has learned to disguise his thoughts from mind reading with a combination of burying information, memetic activation, and disassociation. As for hobbies, Anton has several. He is an excellent shot, a champion fencer, and a racing car driver. Equipment/Property: Anton has no steady job but receives fairly steady income from his investments and assets which tally into the seven figures. If he doesn't own what he needs for a particular job, he can probably buy it, borrow it, or steal it. History: After the Third Reich's defeat at the hands of the Allies in the Second World War, those members of the NDSAP and SS that weren't captured or killed scattered to the winds. Among those were famed Waffen SS commando Otto Skorzeny (b. 1908) and an unnamed Nazi mad-scientist, a counterpart to Mengele and von Braun. While Skorzeny trawled France, Spain, and the Middle East for ODESSA, the Scientist found his haven in South America, and continued his experiments for the buried Reich. When Skorzeny was diagnosed with cancer, the Scientist knew it would be a horrible blow to the number of groups making up the post-war 'Fascist International' were he to die. So he took a sample of the man's genome and spliced it together with samples of supernormal DNA, and made what we would now consider a 'test tube baby', resulting in an even more dangerous individual. Ultimately, Skorzeny passed, killed by cancer in '75. But his genetic successor, christened Anton, was born and raised in the Nazi political underground of Argentina, where he was educated and trained. He inherited Skorzeny's great intelligence and the peak physical condition of the other component in his genetic make-up. Anton has left most of the ideology behind, retaining only as much of the identity as he needs to stay on good terms with his contacts in South America. Now he holds dual Argentine/US citizenship, making his base of operations in [insert city name here] while he builds up resources for his own agenda. The once and future "most dangerous man in Europe" has his finger in everything from cutting edge research to freelance espionage to bounty hunting. (left intentionally vague) Legal Status: Duel Argentinian and American Citizenship. Wanted in Russia, hunted by FIS and FSB. Group Membership: Sometimes works with the SCN Other: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Skorzeny If you happen to want to know more about the person Anton is based off of.[/hider] Scarifar [hider=Grim]Legal Name: Michelle Kine Alias(es): Grim Physical Appearance: She sometimes wears dark sunglasses, partly for protection against the sun's rays but mostly to maintain a serious composure. Height: 5' 5" Weight: 125 lbs Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue cloaked [img]http://i.ytimg.com/vi/8kgg2EyD0r0/hqdefault.jpg[/img] uncloaked [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdjzmkyWKE1ram5eto1_500.png[/img] Race: Mix of Asian (Japanese) and Caucasian (Northern European) Gender: Female Date of Birth: 1987/5/7 Supernormal Category: Transgenic Hybrid Human Powers/Skills/Training: Super Accuracy Super Dexterity Super Reflexes Super Agility -Guns: assembling, reloading, rapid firing. -Lockpicking and pickpocketing: self-explanatory. -Martial Arts: specifically, those of subduing and knocking unconscious rather than being Jackie Chan-like. Equipment/Property: -Invisible Cloak: not exactly invisible, just changes it appearance to match its surroundings, granting the user camouflage. If looked at closely enough, one might be able to see the silhouette of the one wearing it. -Voice changer: built into her mask so that anyone who might encounter her will not be able to determine who she is by the sound of her voice, in addition to the mask already hiding her face. -Semi-automatic sniper rifle: 7 rounds in each clip, fires as fast as one can pull the trigger. Has a silencer and an adjustable scope (changing distance, turning on and off night/thermal vision). -2 semi-automatic pistols: 12 rounds in each clip, fires as fast as one can pull the trigger. -Omnitool: basically a high-tech "skeleton key" for those pesky locks. -3 sets of lockpicks, hidden within various hidden pockets and linings of her clothing, as well as being disguised as hairpins hidden within her hair. History: Michelle is a "test tube baby", created using favorable genes to create the perfect soldier. However, when she was fully formed, the scientist who created her deemed her a "failure". The scientist considered his options for her disposal, but couldn't bear to kill what he had created, so he sent her away to an orphanage. Michelle grew up, then joined the SCN under the name Grim. She performed various jobs and carefully saved her money. She waited for the right moment, then defected from the SCN and joined the DSA. She had worked hard and managed to become one of their top shooters. Legal Status: Former SCN, now employed by the DSA. Group Membership: DSA[/hider] Indy [hider=Jack]Legal Name: Jack Pierre Kettering Alias(es): Jack Physical Appearance: Height: 188 cm Weight: 95 Kilos Build: Rather muscular, with a layer of fat Eye Colour: Blue eyes Hair Colour: Lightish Brown Clothes:Wears a black jacket, with khaki pants. He usually wears boots of some sort. Race: Caucasian Gender: Male Date of Birth: 1986/10/3 Supernormal Category: Standard Deviation Human Powers/Skills/Training: Chronokinesis:Ability to create a bubble accelerated or decelerated time. Jack can prepare decent meals, stemming from times he has had to be a chef during his travels. He also has the capability to operate most communication technology, from telegraph keys to the very rudiments of quantum entanglement theory. He cans speak both English and French. Other skills include driving, basic marksmanship with a rifle, decent handling of a pistol, a working knowledge of knife fighting, and proper maintenance of weapons. He has about six years of training with his ability of Chronokinesis, which started once puberty set in. He went through training in the French Foreign Legion, and continued his training with his Chronokinesis in combat situations there. He also has trained in a unit designed to utilize his time manipulation abilities to their fullest. Equipment/Property: Jack has a key for his apartment in Los Silvestres, a holster for his pistol that is underneath his armpit, a blade kept on his shin, a cellphone, and his wallet. He wears a jacket reinforced with kevlar. History: Jack was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan to a rather wealthy family. He picked up a fondness for cooking at a young age, which was encouraged by his mother. He did decently in school, until he started showing signs of powers around the age of thirteen. His mother was, Kendra Kettering was a Gravitokinetic, and his father, Adrian Kettering, possessed a super intellect and the ability to copy other psychokinetic powers, so Jack's potential as a super was rather likely. He started being tutored in how to properly use his ability all through out the rest of his schooling, eventually deciding he'd do better utilizing his power to fight rather than for a civilian use, after ending up beating up a gang of seven people who tried to ambush him in an alley in Detroit, when he was sixteen. At that point, he started looking into a military career, seeing a path to hone himself to his fullest. When he turned 19, he joined up with the French Foreign Legion, learning much of his military skills with his five years of service there. He served in several conflicts in the Middle-East and Africa, usually in a support capacity for a squad of soldiers. His service in the French Foreign Legion nearly removed his American citizenship, but due to never becoming a NCO in the Legion and the Legion never being hostile to the United States, he kept his US Citizenship. He was wounded in combat during his time in the Legion, granting him dual citizenship in both the US and France. After his service was over, he returned to the States, and took up residence in Los Silvestres. While in Los Silvestres, he worked a bunch of odd jobs, usually in food joints and occasionally taking up a bit of muscle work. He eventually joined up with the SCN, trying to keep himself occupied with the jobs that were made available to him. He has been struggling to make ends meet through his work with them, and seeks something more to his life in Los Silvestres. Legal Status: Jack has registered voluntarily. He is a former Legionnaire. Jack has dual citizenship in both the US and France. Jack does not have a criminal record. Group Membership: He is associated with the SCN.[/hider] Noishe [hider=Benefactor]Legal Name: Hector Espinoza ne Nicolas Garcia Alias(es): Manuel the Drifter/ Manny (his most famous role), Benefactor (The League of Masks) Physical Appearance: Height: 5'11, Weight: 158 lbs, Hair Color: Black, Eye Color: Hazel, Outfit: A tailored business suit or occasionally his Manuel the Drifter costume as picture below. When in his other persona as the Benefactor he wears a Black and white film noir get-up complete with a black, white and grey trench coat, fedora, and a screen mask that makes his skin look grey with a domino mask over it, adding to the film grain aesthetic. The costume includes a four inch purple lapel pin that shows the Comedy and Tragedy masks from theater. It is the only piece of colour in the ensemble. [img]http://zillionarts.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/thief_concept_by_cristi_b-d3fka8v.jpg[/img] Date of Birth: 1980/6/14 Gender: Male Race: Hispanic Supernormal Category: Standard Deviation Human Powers/Skills/Training: Superhuman Intuition and Reflexes (He can often figure out what people are about to do it so fast it's like he can see the future.), as well as peak physical condition. He’s learned MMA and how to fire guns (in a Wild West appropriate manner only). Equipment/Property: A large assortment of costumes and props (given as gifts from films he has acted), as well as a fancy apartment. Of course, he always carries his signature revolvers from his best known role in Arizona Sun. He usually wears his cowboy hat as well, unless he is out crimefighting for the Masks, where he is wearing a traditional 1950's noir detective's outfit. History: Nicolas Garcia was once a detective in another big city. He was tenacious and he always strove to make a difference but the detective life really started to wear on him. Month after month, year after year he put as many as he could behind bars but no matter how many he put away there were always more out there. Eventually he resolved to get away from it all. He faked his death and used some connections he had in order to take on a new identity as an orphan with no family. A few lucky auditions netted him his big break, and made him a famous actor known for his roles in Westerns and action movies, Hector uses his powers to ensure he’ll always have a job in cinema. His enhanced reflexes and intuition made his trademark quick draw famous on the big screen. After several years of acting he started to miss what little he could do to make a difference. This time he decided to join the league of masks so that he could make more of a difference without all the red tape. As it turned out the organization was pretty much always hurting for money so he started funneling significant portions of his fortune into the cause. Hence his persona as the Benefactor. When it's time for crime fighting or other Masks activities, he dresses like a 50's noir hero. Legal Status: Standard US Citizen (technically his identity if fake but he did it well enough that he was never discovered.) Group Membership: Very few people know this, but he was a former member of the NYPD, and achieved the rank of Detective, which he holds with pride. Also, the secret Benefactor of the League of Masks, which entails providing them with the funds and possible contacts they'll need, as well as keeping them out of the spotlight, should the need arise.[/hider]