[center][i][b]Yukara's personal training! Progession is the key word. A collab between Lillydove and Lesli.[/b] Summary : Yukara getting her one on one training from Aiko. Also a talk about the coming Chuunin exams.[/center][/i] [hider=Training] Again, it was very early. Aiko yawned, wondering how many times she was going to do this. From what she had heard and know was that many sensei's started to train their students at ungodly hours like before sunrise and such cliché times. Closing her mouth, Aiko wondered what had gotten into her to notify Yukara that she would get some training at this kind of hour. Rubbing her eyes, Aiko decided that this would surely be the last time she would get up so super early to then train a student. How could she perform and help if she was falling asleep? Waiting on the training field, which was a typical flat grassfield, with some trees and vegetation at the side, Aiko hoped that Yukara would be more of a morning person than that she was. Awaking to feeling of water being thown onto her, she jumped up and grabbed the kunai from under her pillow, then saw her father with his hands up like he was surrendering. [b]"Morning kid, shouldnt you be heading to training now and not snoozing away?"[/b] her father asked with a chuckle. Yukaras eyes widened considerably, this caused her father to laugh and shake his head before he left the room. [b]"OH MY GOD!"[/b] Yukara exclaimed loudly, quickly throwing her clothes on quickly and pulling her hair back into a messy pony tail. After that, she tossed her gear into her back and ran out of her room, nearly running into her mother. [b]"Sorry Ma!"[/b] she called over her shoulder as she bolted out the door at full speed. Wondering where Yukara was, Aiko decided to check again if she had everything with her. It had been a hassle for her to get what she needed for today's training, but Aiko thought it would be worth it. Next to the scrolls she had managed to borrow for today, she checked if she had the other required equipment with her. Next to that, some food and drink for later. She flew down the paths that led to the village, soon she was in the leaf village and flying down the roads at a dangerous pace. Coming to a screeching halt as she saw Aiko-Sensei in one of the training fields and ran over there. Again, she came to a sudden halt and nearly ran into her sensei, her hair was a mess and to her utter horror, her shirt was on backwards. [b]"IM HERE! IM HERE!"[/b] Yukara said, panting a bit and trying to fix herself up. Although, her cheeks were red from embaressment. Turning around, Aiko had heard Yukara. Smiling, Aiko made a gesture that Yukara should calm down. [b]''Relax, no need to yell the city awake. That and sweety, your shirt.''[/b] Pointing at the shirt that Yukara was wearing, Aiko kept her smile up. [b]''Lets not rush. I have made sure that I have time plenty to help you today and train you as well. There is likely nobody that will call or request for me, so please calm down.''[/b] [b]"Right, right, right,"[/b] Yukara said, quickly fixing her shirt so that it was not on backwards. After that, she looked to Aiko-Sensei and waited for more instructions. [b]"So how many jutsu are you going to teach me, today?"[/b] she asked, bouncing on her feet like she normally did when she was excited and ready to begin something. Raising her hand, Aiko held up two fingers. [b]''Two. One that is an elemental ninjutsu and one that you can use with your brain. It is called logical reasoning. Not anything offensive, but I am going to explain you on how a kunoichi should be.''[/b] Lowering her hand, Aiko thought if her words were of any help. [b]''Not that I think you misunderstood it, but I believe that you should know more background information. That is actually why I want to keep teaching you and the others about things like the Leaf, the Fire Union and its history. It is important to know such things in order to grow.''[/b] Yukara listened quietly as Aiko-Sensei explained what they were going to be doing today, making even more excited to learn and eager to get started. Wondering what sort of elemental ninjutsu and just how she was going to be going to use logical reasoning, she was also curious to know some more about the Fire Union and of course its history as well. [b]"Ok, ready when you are,"[/b] Yukara said, beaming at Aiko-Sensei. [b]''First, lets do a small warming up. I am not going to instruct you to run some laps as you have rushed your way here, but lets start with some sit ups?''[/b] Aiko suggested, or at least seemed to do so. [b]''Lets start with fourty sit ups, followed by twenty push ups.''[/b] Smiling, Aiko would place her hands at her hips, waiting for Yukara to start doing the sit and push ups. Not having a problem with what Aiko-Sensei suggested, she got in the sit up position and began doing some sit ups, counting silently to herself. Once she was half way through them, she began feeling the strain on her abdomen and it was putting a strain on her, but she did not stop. She wanted to impress Aiko-Sensei and so she managed to do all fourty sit ups. Moving to the push ups, she gave herself a minute to rest before working on the twenty some push ups. Watching over Yukara, Aiko showed no emotion, staring with a bland look at her student. She knew it could be a bit too much, but like Katsu, she wanted that Yukara's stamina would be improved. It would only be for the better for her if she could improve her stamina. When Yukara took a minute to rest, Aiko said nothing about it as she would let Yukara take a moment to catch her breath. Her arms were beginning to shake around the fifteenth push up, she y did not have the upper body strenght that most had and so it was a bit more difficult for her to do, but she did it. All twenty some push ups, she did everything that Aiko-Sensei had requested her to do and felt a little accomplished. Getting to her feet, she dusted herself off and looked to her sesnei. [b]"Whats next?"[/b] Yukara asked. [b]''Three minutes break and then ten laps around the field.''[/b] Aiko said instantly, like she had prepared the line before. Looking around the field, she thought about adding something to it. [b]''And every two laps you have finished, you need to sprint the next one. That means you have to sprint the third, fifth, seventh and ninth lap.''[/b] Summing it up, Aiko nodded. [b]''That is what is next.''[/b] Feeling relieved when she heard that she had three minutes to rest before what came next, then her eyes must have gotten real wide because she could not believe what Aiko-Sensei said next. Ten laps, sprinting after every two laps she ran. Taking a deep breath, she nodded slowly and kept her mouth shut as she did not want to complain. After the three minutes, she reluctantly started to jog the first lap, not wanting to rush to finish it and start the second. Eventually, she was on the second and was not looking forwards to sprinting the next. Once at the third, she picked up her pace by twice as much and as she was told, sprinted the third lap. Seeing that Yukara was following up the instruction nicely, Aiko was already thinking on how she would explain the elemental ninjutsu she would teach her. Or should she start with the teaching about what it meant to be a kunoichi? With Yukara starting to sprint by the third lap, Aiko decided she would first start with the teaching of the meaning of a kunoichi. At least then Yukara wouldn't be pushed into becoming exhausted by then also trying to learn and control the basics of a new technique, while just trying to recover from her laps. Jogging the fourth lap, she was glad that the third was over and that only the fifth, seventh and ninth remained to be sprinted. The end of the fourth came much too soon for Yukaras liking, just like the last one, it was time to sprint again. Sprinting it quickly, she was beginning to feel a bit winded at this time, taking in huge breaths of air so she could get more oxygen to her muscles like she once heard in the hospital she hoped it would help. Luckily, the fifth lap was over with quickly as she jogged the sixth lap and then began sprinting the seventh. [b]''Keep on going, Yukara.''[/b] Aiko called out, glad she wasn't the one who was running laps. Not that she would have much of a problem with it, but that wasn't about it. Aiko would have likely complained about it if she was Yukara, due the ungodly hour. Thinking about why her student wasn't uttering something about it, Aiko decided to not start about it. Rubbing her eyes again, Aiko tried to not look tired or wanting to go to sleep. [b]"Easy for you to say!"[/b] Yukara huffed, her eyes narrowed and her body tired from all the work. But, she was determined to keep going and make it to last one, even if she was going to be sore in the morning the next day. She began to chant something under breath that sounded like "I can do this, I can make it." Finally, she reached the ninth lap and let out a battle cry almost as she sprinted it as best she could before jogging at a very slow pace the last one. Once done with all ten laps, she plopped onto the ground in front of her sensei as she caught her breath. [b]"Next time, I want you to do that"[/b] she said. Letting out a soft chuckle by hearing Yukara's response, Aiko would stay and wait. Once Yukara seemed to be done, Aiko started to head towards the genin. Hearing clearly what she said, Aiko lightly shrugged. [b]''Sure thing. Quite easy of what I had to do when I was being trained.''[/b] Aiko came to a halt as she eyed Yukara. Yes, the girl could use a break. [b]''Now time for some theory. Take some time to rest out, at least now you don't have to run laps or any physical effort.''[/b] Pausing, Aiko was thinking on how she should get started. Then she thought of something. [b]''What does it mean to be kunoichi?''[/b] Choosing to not say anything back after what Aiko-Sensei said, she sighed and looked up to her. So, her plan was to exhaust Yukara physically and then make her brain hurt with theory? That was nice of her. [b]"A kunoichi is a female who works along side another shinobi in a mission, right?"[/b] Yukara asked. Or was it something different? She just knew that it was a female ninja, wasnt that it? Smiling, Aiko placed a finger against the tip of her nose. Maybe she should be more specific with her question? Probably yes, judging on Yukara's answer. [b]''Yes, but what does it mean? Does it mean you have to be a soldier of the kage or does it have any real meaning to it? Are you a soldier, a peace keeper or what some like to believe, a person that is just practicing ninjutsu?''[/b] [b]"A kunoichi is both a soldier and a peace keeper, we have to be able to fight and keep up with the males but be able to be the reason in the team if the other two are unable to do so on their own. Those who think we just practice ninjutsu do not understand what we do,"[/b] Yukara said. She believed that a kunoichi was equal to her male peers and that without either one, it is unbalanced. [b]''Hhmm.''[/b] Aiko thought about Yukara's answer. [b]''Yes, but what is the deeper meaning? Is it really that a kunoichi or a shinobi are just soldiers and peace keepers? Or is there more to it?''[/b] Aiko asked, hoping to keep Yukara think about it. The message that Aiko was trying to get across was the meaning about being a nin to a village, which was in general that ninja were just soldiers and peace keepers. But was it all that there was to them? [b]"I dont know, I mean everyone is different so it could be different to everyone,"[/b] Yukara said. Looking to Aiko, she waited to see if she would anything. [b]"What is a kunoichi to you?"[/b] she asked, looking imploringly at Aiko-Sensei. The question made Aiko nodd. [b]''Now you're catching on.''[/b] She said. Though Aiko took a moment to think how she would phrase her answer. [b]''I think that kunoichi is a female nin that is a peace keeper, but instead of an ordinary soldier or mecenary one that is being educated like all nin, in order to listen and trust their kage. If we can't trust the kage into making the right decision, we can't do what is probably right for the state. In this kind of manner it justify that ninja are tools, though I disagree with that we should forsake all our emotions.''[/b] Hoping that her answer would now trigger Yukara's opinion about it, Aiko would wait for it. [b]"Well, ninja are not tools. They are people who put themselves on the line in order to protect loved ones and the people in the village. They are people who put everyone else first and them last, selfless warriors of their village who know that they could at any moment. Kunoichi even more so, females are equal to males, we are capable of everything they can do and more, they are young girls and women who have to be able to be the constant so that the ninja dont forget how to feel anything. They have to be strong when the males cannot be,"[/b] Yukara said. [b]''Wait, wait!''[/b] Gesturing with her hands, Aiko got the idea that she might had explained it a bit too wrong. [b]''You have a right view on what it means to be a kunoichi, but there isn't a real difference between a shinobi and a kunoichi, Yukara. In most cases, when somebody talks about shinobi in general, they also mean kunoichi. There isn't a difference between the two.''[/b] Though Aiko found it a bit funny, she was afraid that Yukara misunderstood it. [b]''But you're right about that a nin should be somebody that thinks about the village first and then about themselves. Even when it seems cruel and in some ways evil. For example, if the Hokage would order you to kill a civilian, would you do so?''[/b] [b]"Well, if the kage ordered me to then I would have to. I feel bad later but if it makes everyone else safe then it has to be done,"[/b] Yukara said. She would indeed feel bad later, taking a life was said to be a difficult thing to come to terms with mentally. Even if it was a missing nin, taking a life was never easy on anyone, but it had to be done. [b]''To start, it is most of the time never an easy thing to take a life. Most jounin and higher ups seem to be pretty okay with it. Truth be told, I am not really thinking about anybody who I kill these days.''[/b] Aiko said, looking away to the right. [b]''Though I suspect that has to do with stopping to care. At first I threw up after every killing. I felt disgusted and horrible for the part I played into ending somebody's life. I was certain that at one point I would just stop functioning.''[/b] Sighing, Aiko looked back at her student. [b]''However, I am losing track. Sorry. The point I was trying to make is that while most would agree that forsaking our feelings would be a bad thing, it sometimes can save us. If somebody would try to kill you cause you're part of the Leaf, then I would not even think twice of jumping into action. Even if it means I have to kill the other person, no matter how much I could or would agree with them. I would forsake my emotions not just to save you or anybody else, but because that is what it means to be selfish. To be a ninja. Village first and then yourself.''[/b] [b]"I would not forsake my emotions, emotions make us human and not just tools for the kage to use as he pleases. Right, everyone else first and yourself last,"[/b] Yukara said, nodding her head. It was easy to say, but how hard would it be in the field? Anyone can talk but not everyone can follow through, there were times where she, herself, did not think she could follow through. [b]"So whats next?"[/b] Yukara asked. Aiko wanted to comment back, but decided it would be better to not further indulge on the matter. It was already good that Yukara understood that duty came before personal ambition and gain. [b]''I think I will need to teach you the basics of a technique. From what I have seen is that you lack in the offensive capabilities. So today we will learn you a new skill and a technique.''[/b] Aiko explained. [b]''The skill will be what some call the skill of Shinobi Killers. Silent Killing. Ever heard of it?''[/b] Aiko asked friendly. Yukara blinked once, then twice. Silent Killing? She stared at Aiko-Sensei blankly for a moment, trying to wrap her mind around the technique that Aiko mentioned. [b]"You kill someone quietly?"[/b] Yukara asked, it was a stupid question. But that was the only thing she could think of, the ability to keep your mouth shut while you kill someone. [b]"Soooo, yeah."[/b] She smiled. [b]''That is putting it really simple, but it is a skill that has more to it.''[/b] Aiko said. She thought on how to explain it. [b]''It is the most favourable skill of any assassin. To kill somebody without a sound means that you after all make no sound at all. But there is more to it.''[/b] She said, making a gesture with her right hand. She pointed it up, raising only her index finger. [b]''So it means to move without any sound to alert or alarm most foes.''[/b] Then she raised her middle finger. [b]''It is to know how to kill somebody without raising an alarm, thus not making them able to scream one last time.''[/b] Then she raised her ring finger. [b]''But also to know what happens around you. You can see it as a sensory skill that doesn't require chakra, but focus and experience.''[/b] [b]"Alright, so it is kind of complex. Are you good at it?"[/b] Yukara asked. She thought about what was said, no sound, no alerting the enemy and a sort of sesnory skill. How hard could it be? [b]"You should demonstrate it, just not on me"[/b] she added after a minute. She took a kunai and began flipping it in the air, like she was waiting. If she was going to master this skill then Aiko would need to do a stellar demonstration. [b]''I think I am average.''[/b] Aiko said, smiling a bit as Yukara asked it. When her student suggested that she should demonstrate it, Aiko thought about it. Not her though. Placing a hand on her hip, she saw nobody around on the training field. And it was still early, so it would be a small chance if somebody would appear on the field where they were. [b]''I can demonstrate it. If there is somebody on the other field, next to this one, maybe I can show it you.''[/b] Aiko said, beckoning her student to follow her. [b]''While we are on our way, does the Hidden Mist Technique says anything to you?''[/b] Was her question. [b]"Mkay."[/b] Hidden Mist Technique? She heard of it, it was supposedly a stealth technique and made it hard to detect the other. A lot of good Shinobi had that technique, a Shinobi like Aiko-Sensei. [b]"You call mist to you and surrounds the field, making it hard to track the other, do know that technique? I bet you do, your cool like that. Are you going to teach that to me too?"[/b] Yukara asked, eying her sensei eagerly. A cool skill and a cool technique in one day? Cool? Aiko wondered about that. [b]''Yes, though there is more to it. Most think that making a mist is just the technique. That is why everybody sees it as a D ranked technique. Cause a mist can be simply blown away by the wind or a strong gust of an explosive as example.''[/b] Aiko said, as she started to smirk a bit. [b]''But there are some users who have put a great amount of training it. Those who have mastered good enough chakra control and experience can create such thick mist that it will become chakra exhausting for victims to cast the mist away while they can barely see anything. Then with a skill like Silent Killing...''[/b] Aiko didn't finish her sentence. It was evident what she meant with that. Nodding her head, she listened intently to the words of Aiko-Sensei and made sure to take everything she said to heart. [b]"It is only a D rank?! What? How come I was never told this!?"[/b] Yukara exclaimed, rather loudly too. She listened some more, oh so it could be hard and exhausting to get rid of, so it was an improving D rank technique. Maybe she should have paid equal attention to some other things and not just the Healing Technique that she had a good grasp on. [b]"So you could kill someone without actually seeing them and them not seeing you? Wow, that sounds dangerous."[/b] [b]''That is why the skill is regarded as a shinobi killing one. There are people who have skills or sensory techniques which can counter it, but the majority are often defenseless against a master of the art.''[/b] Aiko explained. She wasn't sure if she was really making sense. At times when she was trying to explain things like these, she had the idea that she was giving the wrong image. But the idea to show Yukara how Silent Killing kind of worked would maybe help her explanation? As they came at the side of another training field, they would see another team. It was a male shinobi that was talking to his genin. At least, the three younglings didn't look like chuunin. From their range, she could catch parts that the man was explaining them that hiding and sneaking around was what a ninja would do to surprise their adversaries. [b]''Okay, stay here. I will use my mastery of Silent Killing to move out in the open and at a running speed, while he won't see it coming.''[/b] Aiko told her student. Watching for several seconds, she took the seconds to take in the details. The man was either a specialized Jounin or a full fledged jounin, which meant he could have some sensory or tracking ability. Lowering herself a bit, Aiko then noticed that the wind was in her favour. It would blow towards her, thus blowing away her scent from the man, or in this case her practice prey. Moving suddenly in a fast dash towards the man, she would make almost no sound as she did so. [b]''That means that-''[/b] The eyes of the genin widened as Aiko seemed to appear almost in a blur next to the man. [b]''That sneaking behind is a very important tactic. Sorry, had to do it to show my pupil that mastery over Silent Killing can be quite useful.''[/b] The man, who seemed to be around his starting thirties, looked over his shoulder. Surprised, he noticed who it was. [b]''I am at least honored to be surprised by you.''[/b] He said, in a cautious way. Aiko smiled as she made a little bow towards the man. [b]''I apologize if I have interupted your lessons. I will go now.''[/b] Turning around on her heels, she would walk back towards Yukara. Once she was close enough, Aiko pointed with her left thumb over her shoulder. [b]''And this how a charge with some Silent Killing mastery works.''[/b] Lowering her hand, she smiled. [b]''Any questions?''[/b] Yukara watched in surprise as Aiko-Sensei demonstrated, noting that it quite nice to have on your side against a foe. Nodding, she smiled at her sensei and then giggled as the man spoke about being honored to be surprised, it was a funny thing to say. [b]"That was so cool! Now how do I get that good at it?"[/b] Yukara asked. Thinking about the question, Aiko beckoned Yukara to follow her. [b]''It isn't a skill that is just be learned in a day. It is something that should be practiced in some time.''[/b] Aiko explained, trying to think how she could explain it in the best possible way to her student. Using Koike as example wouldn't be good. But then herself as an example? [b]''I taught the basics cause I needed them to survive. I didn't want to get caught by enemies. It was during the war when I was in Konohagakure, but the threat of an attack was still very real. Back then I used more stealth than any combat skill to keep up with others, as I tried to be more clever than stronger than others.''[/b] Aiko threw a short glance towards Yukara, wondering if her example would do any good. That made sense, she thought, not everything can be mastered in a day. [b]"Ok, practice makes perfect. How do I start with the practice? What steps need to be taken? What do I need to do?"[/b] Yukara asked. She was eager to learn this technique and eager to put to use in the field, the sooner they got to it the better. Understanding that because she lacked some physical strength that it would be helpful in a tight situation. Laughing a bit due the lot of questions, Aiko was actually happy that she was so curious and eager. [b]''To start, you need to learn on how to be silent. To try to keep yourself moving without a sound and of course thus knowing how most sounds are produced. This will also help you to discover sounds and able to place and analyze what they are.''[/b] Aiko thought about the next part. [b]''The steps and what you need to do is to first examine the surroundings and the factors. A wet field can have mud pools and other factors that can make a sound to those who pay attention. Or a strong wind can blow your scent to your opponent, giving away your position. An user of this skill needs to quickly analyze and use these factors to then use the skill to move with a minimum sound around, to surprise the enemy.''[/b] [b]"Ok, ok"[/b] Yukara said. Taking a step back, she looked around at the surroundings and focused on where everything was. The slight breeze, the shadows of trees and the drifting loose leaves that fell to the ground. The shadows would somewhat hide her in their darkness, while the breeze could send her scent in the direction of an enemy. [b]"Whats next? Got the surroundings"[/b] Yukara said, she sounded somewhat distant as she was still trying to focus on the surroundings. [b]''Knowing how to move without a sound. Try to move slow at first. Then over time build it up. Regulate your breathing as you move.''[/b] Aiko advised, curiously watching Yukara. After saying the tips, she would take a step back to see how her student would do. Aiko wasn't expecting that Yukara would have instant success, but she was very curious on fast she would pick up on with the given tips. Nodding, she began to sihft her weight onto another leg and naturally took a step, slowly shifting her weight back onto the leg she moved. She was now having to focus on multiple things, while regulating her breathing as well. Breathing in, slowly, through her nose and easily out of her mouth as she took another slow step, trying to match her breathing to the cadence of her steps. One step, one breath, one step, one breath. More often than she liked, her breathing was a bit loud. Watching how Yukara tried to move without a sound, Aiko could spot some mistakes, but she figured it would be better to let Yukara try it more out before she would have to hear Aiko saying what she did wrong and right. She was still curious on how Yukara would pick it up and for a moment, Aiko was considering to put up a test next to help her out. But for now she kept herself with just watching and examining how her student was doing. One step, one breath, one step. A faint crinkling sound was heard, she looked down and saw that she had stepped on one of the freshly fallen leaves mentally kicking herself at the stupid mistake. Moving away from it easily, she tried to regain her concentration and to find that quiet step rhythm that she was aiming for. Trying to match her breathing to the cadence of her steps once again. When Aiko had heard the sound of Yukara stepping on the leaves, she was almost going to start to say what she did wrong or right. Or giving tips right away. But still convinced it was better to let Yukara try it more, Aiko would keep herself quiet. After a couple of minutes, Aiko decided that she should suggest what she had in mind. [b]''What about we make it a bit more challenging?''[/b] Standing still on her spot, she would pull out a kunai, wrapping her right index finger around the loophole as she would spin the weapon. [b]''Just a little test to help you figure out the steps by adding a challenge to it.''[/b] [b]"What do you have in mind?"[/b] Yukara asked, curious to find out what the challenge would be. She now stood still, eying Aiko-Sensei with interest and watched as she spun the kunai around. [b]''I will use the Hidden mist technique as summon somebody to aid you. With the mist, you and the summoned one can't use your eyesight. This means you need to be relying on your hearing and other senses. That way you will need to figure out how to move silently as the other steps while trying to catch the summoning of mine.''[/b] Grabbing the kunai by the handle, Aiko would wait and see what Yukara would think of the suggestion. [b]"That sounds fun! What kind of summoning?"[/b] Yukara asked, now very interested in the challenge. Having to catch a summoning would certainly prove challenging but she never backed down from something that would prove difficult, especially if was fun. [b]''A dog. A grumpy one though.''[/b] Aiko answered as she would use the kunai to prick her thumb. After doing so, she would store the weapon away, on which she would perform the required handsignals to use the Summoning technique. Placing her hand at the ground, in front of the woman, a small cloud of smoke would appear. [b]''Please, don't tell me you have a dull thing for me.''[/b] The grumpy complaiment was the first sound that would be heard before a small Akita dog would be spotted. He was throwing a rather bothersome glare in Aiko's direction. [b]''Yukara, Pipi. Pipi, Yukara. After I have made the mist, you will need to catch him, Yukara. No jutsu. Only using your instincts and what I told you.''[/b] The words of Aiko made the dog raise his lips, barring his fangs. Not that he would think it would be wise to bite or attack Aiko, but he didn't like the sound of what he heard. Turning his head to look at Yukara, the dog looked annoyed. [b]''This again...''[/b] He muttered, already starting to walk a bit of a distance away from the girl. [b]''Ready?''[/b] Aiko asked. [b]"Alright, this will be fun,"[/b] Yukara said, grinning while watching the dog. [b]"Bring the mist, Aiko-Sensei. I will get your summon and bring him back to you,"[/b] she said, taking a step in the direction of the dog. Although, she thought that the dog would be friendly and talkative, to make it more fun but it just annoyed and grumpy. While Aiko would perform and use the mist technique, the dog glared at the young Cho. It wasn't impressed or happy at all. [b]''Bold words. But nothing but words!''[/b] Growling the words, the thick mist would soon rob everybody's eyes of seeing clearly around them. Curious, Aiko would move silently away from her position to a higher location, a branch in a nearby tree. The thick mist wouldn't allow her to see anything, but she didn't want to be in the way. Pipi pressed his body low to the ground as he would attempt to move away from his previous position. The nostrils of the dog widened a bit, cautious to what Aiko's student would do. Yukara watched in aww as the mist came from all directions to envelop them and cut them off from using their sight. It was impressive and somewhat disturbing that she could barely see a foot in front of her. She knew better than to comment on the situation, knowing it would alert the dog, known as Pipi to her location. Taking a slow and measured breath, she looked around the best she could and tried to gather as much information as she could and remembered that she had already done so before. Allowing her to take that information and use it to her advantage, she tried to focus on the sounds and any possible audible foot steps from the dog as she moved around avoiding any areas where fallen leaves would be. Aiko smiled. She could drop a senbon and probably hear it due the silence. Of course, she was able to hear both Pipi and Yukara. But both were trying to be very silent while figuring out where the other was. In other words, it was like she was witnessing a battle between two users of Silent Killing. One mistake, one sound that was too loud and the one that had made such a mistake would have give a location away. Vital information. There. Something cracked and Aiko was sure that it was Pipi. It sounded like something dropped. A small stone perhaps? Considering the place, it was more likely a distraction as it was to the left of Yukara. Turning around in a slow circle, Yukara tried to zone in on the crack, squinting a bit as if it would help even though it would not help at all. She bit her lip, deciding to go right she began to move again and kept focusing on sounds, although she did faintly smell a hint of dog but it was not strong enough to make any choice on what to do about it. She thought that she heard a scrape, although it was faint she continued to move in the direction she was going. Suddenly the animal barked. It came from her right. There were two sharp and fast barks before the animal ran passed her. [b]''Missed!''[/b] It said with a confident voice as it kept running. Aiko had half expected such a bold move from the dog. The distraction was merely to see how good the girl was paying attention or try to lure her out. Wondering if Yukara would give chase to the dog, Aiko found the situation quite amusing. Clenching her fist as she heard the dogs words, she kept from chasing after it and waited till he stopped moving. Giving her a chance to calm herself before doing anything stupid and reckless, listening in on the souns of his foot steps. His breathing until it came to a stop, she tried to strain to hear his breathing better but it was really hard to do so while focusing on the scents too. With the dogs musk stronger now, she followed it half way and walked as silently as she could to the left of it, not wanting her path to be so obvious. As it became quiet again, Aiko's smile grew. [i]Good.[/i] Yukara showed patience and her action couldn't convince Aiko any better that she wasn't going to do anything rash or attempting to prove her worth too fast. The attempt to make Yukara chase him would force Pipi to try something else, while he had given away some information. The dog gritted his teeth as he realized that he couldn't provoke the girl like that. Sniffing, he managed to track her from some distafrom some distance from him, forcing him to move away. The faint sound of foot steps could barely be heard again, staying put like before she waited till it would stop before moving again. Deciding that she could move after a moment, she began to move the right then forwards then turned in a slow circle, trying to catch the dogs scent again. [i]There![/i] She had to keep herself from getting too excited because it was still faint but just strong enough to give away some clues. Moving in the direction of the scent, she would occassionally move off the path of the scent either to the right or left then forwards then back to the path. Getting a little closer each time, she would catch him soon enough. [i]Ah, good.[/i] Aiko thought to herself. Getting from the branch, she would jump to a new branch. Not that she would jump in, but she wanted to be sure to keep a close watch of what was happening. While Yukara was closing on Pipi, the mood of the dog lowered. He was aware that Yukara was closing in on him and that irked him. He kept moving and had almost bumped against a tree. Realizing something, the dog would walk around the tree, trying to keep the tree between them. Like if Yukara would move left, he would go right. It was harder to hear Pipis steps now, considering that whenever she moved, he moved. Maybe, if she pretended to move and get him to move without knowing what she was doing. She took three quick and silent steps then lifted her foot once then put it down in the rhythm that she was doing before and repeated the process five times. She moved right then back to the left then forwards and pretended to move again. While keeping her ears alert on what he did. The dog lowered his ears as he narrowed his eyes. The girl was now really annoying him and he was reconsidering his plan. Meanwhile, Aiko struggled to keep herself from laughing. It was very funny to her as she was seeing Yukara walking in an odd manner to confuse the dogg. But she managed to discover that she could use the superior senses of the dog against him in such a situation. Repeating the same motions once, then twice then she stopped all together as the scent certainly stronger now and she reached a hand out, touching a rough surface. Recalling what she knew of the surroundings, she realized that it was one of the trees and then took a step back, right then went forwards. Going around the tree, she pretended to move again then took a short step forwards, pretended to move and took another short step. He ran and would try to bite the girl. Growling the dog had enough of her tricks. The few short barks were the only warning he would give her. But as he approached the girl that had annoyed him, he was lifted up. [b]''Very well done, Yukara.''[/b] Aiko said, giggling a bit as she held Pipi underneath her right arm. The dog would be seen glaring at Yukara as the mist slowly faded away. [b]''Thank you, Pipi.~''[/b] Aiko said. Growling the dog poofed away. [b]"Thanks, Sensei,"[/b] Yukara said, happily. Eying the dog, she was tempted to reach out and pet the dog but decided that it was too risky with the dogs current mood. The temptation was removed when the dog vanished in poof of smoke leaving the two kunoichi standing there alone. [b]"Why is Pipi alwasys so grumpy?"[/b] she asked with a frown. The question made Aiko laugh. [b]''He is mostly just faking it. He goes very well along with the twins at home. And he just tries to act tough. With other people, I am never completely sure if it an act or not.''[/b] After the answer, Aiko realized she had never thought about it. But it had never seem to be something of importance. [b]''But I noticed that you were able to figure out how to use the superior insticts of your opponent against them. That was very clever of you.''[/b] Aiko said, genuinely meaning her compliment. [b]"Well I suppose that maybe he just does not like new people?"[/b] Yukara asked, actually concerned about the dogs attitude. She beamed up at Aiko-Sensei at the compliment, she was relieved that she had done at least one thing right in her eyes. [b]"What are we doing next?"[/b] she asked, looking around at the now easily seen training feild. [b]''Homework.''[/b] The dreaded word was the simple answer of Aiko. [b]''For now I think we covered the basics of it, but you will need to train a lot of times before it will take a proper shape of a skill. For that, I will learn you the Hidden Mist Technique so that you can however adjust more easily to it.''[/b] Aiko said. She thought about how she would teach Yukara the particular technique. [b]''Best would be to begin with a water source. One second.''[/b] Aiko weaves several handsignals before she would let an amount of water fall in front of them. [b]''There we go! Not very natural, but it is water.''[/b] She said, smiling a bit. [b]''Now, you need to focus on the water and form the Tiger handseal. Best would be to make contact with the water and try to form the mist with it. Start slowly building it up.'[/b] Nodding, she felt some water fall onto her and focused on what Aiko said to her. Homework was boring but needed. [b]"Awesome! I really am going to be the new you!"[/b] Yukara said, clapping her hands together in delight. She calmed down as Aiko explained what to do with the jutsu, she took a deep breath and focused on the water. Forming the tiger hand seal, she looked at the water quite intensely and watched as it struggled to form into mist. [b]''Don't force it. Simply try to guide it. Mould the chakra as in a way that you're trying to spread it out.''[/b] Aiko advised Yukara. The technique wasn't that hard or was that maybe just Aiko? Thinking about it, the technique was the first one she had ever learned. Also one of the techniques that had aided her greatly in the battles she had fought in her career as a kunoichi. Yukara relaxed a bit, while trying to stay focused on the water. It seemed to be form a little easier but was still very thin compared to Aikos mist. She relaxed a bit more, the mist was now rising up easily and actually looked natural which was a relief to her. [b]''Very nice. That is it.''[/b] Aiko said. The mist was still thin and not really something that would take away the sight of anybody. But never the less a start and that was what she wanted to achieve. [b]''The best way to train this technique is to keep trying to work on your chakra control. Use simple chakra control training like at the academy and over time you will notice that it will be thicker and easier to use the technique.''[/b] [b]"Alright, I will remember that. Hey Aiko-Sensei, will you train me as harshly as you train Katsu and Koike? I dont want to be useless to them, they are already so far ahead of me and I cant let them down. I need to be at their level,"[/b] Yukara said truthfully. Thinking about how much she wanted to impress them, she wanted them to be glad that she was on their time and not hold them back. [b]''I only ever trained Koike harshly.''[/b] Aiko said, looking away. That was a mistake she had made once and not one she would repeat ever again. Of course back then it had a different purpose, but Aiko wasn't sure if she should ever train somebody like that again. It made her feel awful. [b]''But I am going to train you as well. You have my word on that, Yukara.''[/b] Aiko said, flashing a smile to the girl. [b]''But lets call it a day. I am already proud that you made some good progress today.''[/b] [b]"Thank you, Sensei. I wont let you down, I promise,"[/b] Yukara said, smiling at Aiko-Sensei and bouncing on her feet. Nodding as she said to call it a day and beaming at her when she that she was proud of her, she was so pleased with it. [b]"I will not stop making you proud, I promise that too,"[/b] Yukara said. [b]''I believe you, Yukara.''[/b] Aiko said with a cheerful tone. Placing her hands on her hip, she looked at the sky. There were some clouds and for some reason it made Aiko smile. [/hider]