Legal Name: Michelle Kine Alias(es): Grim [hider=Physical Appearance]Height: 5' 5" Weight: 125 lbs [hider2=Cloaked][img=][/hider2] [hider2=Non-cloaked][img=][/hider2] She may also wear dark sunglasses, partly for protection against the sun's rays but mostly to maintain a serious composure.[/hider] Race: Cross between White and Japanese Gender: Female Date of Birth: May 7, 1987 Supernormal Category: Transgenic Hybrid. [hider=Powers/Skills/Training][hider2=Powers]Super Accuracy Super Dexterity Super Reflexes Super Agility[/hider2] [hider2=Skills/Training]-Guns: assembling, reloading, rapid firing. -Lockpicking and pickpocketing: self-explanatory. -Martial Arts: specifically, those of subduing and knocking unconscious rather than being Jackie Chan-like.[/hider2][/hider] [hider=Equipment/Property]-Invisible Cloak: not exactly invisible, just changes it appearance to match its surroundings, granting the user camouflage. If looked at closely enough, one [i]might[/i] be able to see the silhouette of the one wearing it. -Voice changer: built into her mask so that anyone who might encounter her will not be able to determine who she is by the sound of her voice, in addition to the mask already hiding her face. -Semi-automatic sniper rifle: 7 rounds in each clip, fires as fast as one can pull the trigger. Has a silencer and an adjustable scope (changing distance, turning on and off night/thermal vision). -2 semi-automatic pistols: 12 rounds in each clip, fires as fast as one can pull the trigger. -Omnitool: basically a high-tech "skeleton key" for those pesky locks. -3 sets of lockpicks, hidden within various hidden pockets and linings of her clothing, as well as being disguised as hairpins hidden within her hair.[/hider] [hider=History]Michelle is a "test tube baby", created using favorable genes to create the perfect soldier. However, when she was fully formed, the scientist who created her deemed her a "failure". The scientist considered his options for her disposal, but couldn't bear to kill what he had created, so he sent her away to an orphanage. Michelle grew up, then joined the NYSCN under the name Grim. She performed various jobs and carefully saved her money. She waited for the right moment, then defected from the NYSCN and joined the DSA. She had worked hard and managed to become one of their top shooters.[/hider] Legal Status: Former NYSCN, now employed by the DSA. Group Membership: DSA