[quote=CalPal] Boom, here comes Drake!"Drake" / genetically engineered lifeform12/10/2014Genetically Engineered LifeformHeight - 5' 11"Length (tail to nostril) - 8' 5"Width - 3' 4"Wing span - 14' 7"Colouration - Maroon and black-speckled scales with vibrant red underbelly, wing leather is same vibrant red with spotches of similar maroon colourEye colour - Very dark brown, similar to eyes of lizard speciesFlight - Genetically modified to have light bone structures similar to avian fauna, with a second pair of lungs full of hydrogen for buoyancy and flight capabilities controlled internally by Drake, large wing span provides movement and controlFire-breathing - Hydrogen can be expelled at intense velocity, reacting with gullet minerals consumed by Drake to spark and produce fire, potency similar to other PK abilitiesNatural Claws, TeethEnhanced Muscles - Genetically modified to have strengthened muscles with minimal bulkiness, allows for flight and very modest amount of super strengthRegeneration - Over relatively short durations of time, Drake has the capability of fully healing broken muscles and scarred tissue at such a pace that might otherwise be considered 'super', but require extended periods of uninterrupted rest to achieve the desired resultsDrake, originally classified as 'GA-418', is a genetically modified organism created as a side project under Doctor Birmingham Bayly, co-head of the Joint Helix Corporation. The organization itself was dedicated to the research of biological discoveries and applications, with more classified projects working on non-microscopic biological warfare products for British and NATO armies. On the 12th of October, 2014, a malfunction at their research facility, located in the Highlands of Scotland hours away from any populated regions, caused significant outbreak of genetically altered lifeforms to escape, including GA-418.The exact age of Drake is impossible to calculate without further analysis, as there is no comparable lifeform to match its growth pattern to. Suffice to say that, given its capabilities and its origins, Drake may be classified as an extremely dangerous non-microscopic biohazard.Non-human organism. Until further analysis is complete, Drake may be classified as an extremely dangerous non-microscopic biohazard. [/quote] Legal Name: GA-418 Alias(es): Drake, "Holy shit, it's a dragon." Physical Appearance: Height - (ground to shoulder) - 5' 11" Length (tail to nostril) - 8' 5" Width (shoulder to shoulder) - 3' 4" Wing span - 14' 7" Colouration - Maroon and black-speckled scales with vibrant red underbelly, wing leather is same vibrant red with splotches of similar maroon colour Eye colour - Very dark brown, similar to eyes of lizard species [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-VK258tK6u4E/UurLLio1geI/AAAAAAAAHO0/UPqRGsDEvOs/s1600/dragons7.jpg[/img] Race: Mostly Reptile Gender: ??? Date of Birth: 2014/10/12 Supernormal Category: Transgenic Hybrid Reptile Powers/Skills/Training: Flight - Genetically modified to have light bone structures similar to avian fauna, with organic sacks full of hydrogen for buoyancy and flight capabilities controlled internally by Drake, large wing span provides movement and control Fire-breathing - Hydrogen can be expelled at intense velocity, reacting with gullet minerals consumed by Drake to spark and produce fire, potency similar to other PK abilities Natural Claws, Teeth Enhanced Muscles - Genetically modified to have strengthened muscles with minimal bulkiness, allows for flight and very modest amount of super strength because of his size. Regeneration - Over relatively short durations of time, Drake has the capability of fully healing broken muscles and scarred tissue at such a pace that might otherwise be considered 'super', but require extended periods of uninterrupted rest to achieve the desired results. He can also generate hydrogen at an alarming rate. Equipment/Property: Being a large flying lizard means Drake is typically naked. History: Drake, originally classified as 'GA-418', is a genetically modified organism created as a side project under Doctor Birmingham Bayly, co-head of the Joint Helix Corporation. The organization itself was dedicated to the research of biological discoveries and applications, with more classified projects working on non-microscopic biological warfare products for British and NATO armies. On the 12th of October, 2014, a malfunction at their research facility, located in the Highlands of Scotland hours away from any populated regions, caused significant outbreak of genetically altered lifeforms to escape, including GA-418. The exact age of Drake is impossible to calculate without further analysis, as there is no comparable lifeform to match its growth pattern to. Suffice to say that, given its capabilities and its origins, Legal Status: Non-human organism. Until further analysis is complete, Drake may be classified as an extremely dangerous non-microscopic biohazard. Group Membership: Since he is essentially a wild animal he is not a member of any groups Other: Drake is Intelligent but not Sapient. He can't grasp complex concepts in the way that human beings can.