Ryuu watched as his Sensei seemed to study him. The boy quietly thought to himself before responding. "My strengths, I'm highly intelligent, I have already unlocked the Sharingan, and I have mastered the Fireball Jutsu that my clan holds so dear. My weaknesses, I don't play well with others. I'm used to them all not wanting me around, I think team work will be a hard thing to come by for me Sensei. My goal is to prove to the stuck - ups in Konohoa that I am worthy of the Uchiha name. I'm sick of being treated by others like some second rate human. I hope to learn how to become the best Shinobi that I can. Anything and everything you can teach me. I hope to achieve acknowledgement for being an Uchiha, and stop being shamed or ignored by others. From you, I expect to learn the ways of the Shinobi and anything else you can teach me. My hobbies are training to ensure I am ready to serve our Village." Ryuu said in a calm voice. He chose to leave out any mention of his biological parents, deeming that not necessary for Eiji to know.