-----Mysterious Tower----- The two robed men turned around to the small group of youngsters. The first to speak speak was Merlin. "MIss Spades if you would kindly take a seat we have some important information for you all. After that then you may converse among yourselves and make nice. I hope you all are ok from your journey's through the inbetween on the worlds. I doesn't seem that any of you were harmed psychically or mentally though I imagine that for most of you know that your homeworlds aren't what they used to be is enough to do one mental harm." Yen-Sid stepped out in front of Merlin. "That is enough Merlin... The children have been through enough and do not need to be reminded of the travesty that has brought them here. Now I will explain what I know so far and how we are going to go about fixing the issue at hand. For some time now there have been two keyblade wielders that have protected the worlds from darkness and nothingness, but it seems both are returning. The enemy has found a way to erase those two from their respective lives they have led..." Yen-Sid looked across the young ones again and sighed. "With this happening worlds are being reverted to what would have happened to them if the darkness would have taken them. I and Merlin seem to be able to remember the two that help us many times but even we are starting to forget. That is why I am telling you now, the chosen of the keyblade, that we are working tirelessly to not forget why you are here. All of you together can beat this enemy but you must work together. I know not the enemies face or name but I do know that they are similar to a creature called the Nobody. They are made up of nothingness but seem to be more powerful than the last of them we all faced." Suddenly Yen-Sid had a pain and it showed on his face. "Another has been chosen. She is going to be very important to you all." He sat down in the chair and put his hand to his head. "I am sorry children to send you out with so little knowledge but the Fairies and Merlin will have to take over now. I must rest." Yen-Sid disappeared in a flash of white light. Well children as far catching you up goes and information you may need..." Merlin waved his wand in each of their hands appeared a small orb. "...this will help you. It is a magical sphere that contains the basic information about the keyblade, what the heartless are, nobodies and other useful information you need to know. After you are done absorbing the information you will go into the other room and be fitted for new clothes, upgrade the ones you have, and get your new armor that will help you travel through corridors of light. You are then to report back here for your first mission. Are there any questions?" Merlin sat that the chair now and clicked his wand on the table. Leo sat up and as the orb appeared in his hand. He knew what to do with it to see what information it held.He grasp it tight and the orb burst in his hand. Suddenly he was filled with images and memories of a little kid talking to Merlin. He also saw another kid slightly older talking with a mouse. He also saw them use their keyblades and magic. Finally a burst of information on the heartless and nobodies followed by a brief overview of what Sora and Riku had been told about the worlds. Leo stood up. "Grasp the orb tightly everyone. It won't hurt you but it is a lot of information to take in." Leo then nodded to Merlin as he went through the doors to the fairies. Inside they were arguing but perked up once Leo came in. "Oh dear your tunic just won't do." The fairy blasted him with a jet of green magic. Suddenly he was wearing a new shirt and pant. It felt comfortable and roomy. On the shoulder was a metal piece and he looked back at the faeries wondering what it was. "Oh dear that is your armor. Press it when you need it to travel or fight in if needed. Now run along so that the others can have their turn dear." Leo did as he was told and when back out and sat down waiting for the others to do the same.