Rai had remained mostly quiet. In truth he'd wanted to introduce himself, but the three that had been here were so quiet. He felt awkward. Even as the other people began to join he was quiet. That is until Spades came and immediately began talking. He chuckled silently before opening his mother to speak in response to her. However, he didn't get the chance. Master Yen Sid and Merlin soon began. That meant this was all of them right? At least all of the people who were here. And he was right for the most part. Yen Sid said something about another person. They would probably need to go get her right? [i]I haven't thought this much about anything since the last time I was in math class.[/i] He thought admittedly to himself. Without another word he shrugged opting to focus on Yen Sid's words so as not to be lost later on. Once the master finish Merlin began again. It was pretty cut and dry honestly. And the entire thing ended with an orb appearing in his hand. Following Leo's advice he crushed the orb in his hand and absorbed the knowledge given to him. Honestly, it all felt so unreal. If he hadn't seen the heartless himself then he would probably think this was all just hallucination or some weird thing in his head. "Woah..." He said upon the end of.... Whatever just happened. Finally he stood up deciding to follow Leo as they had said something about the next room being where one would get new clothes and armor. He could go from his new clothes. His current outfit was old, battered, almost more like rags really. "Alright. Um... Spades was it?" He asked the girl who'd begun the talk before being asked to sit and listen. "I'm sure we'll get to the proper introductions in a bit. Probably best to get the more pressing matter's over with first." He smiled before heading into the other room. "Oh dear. You're in rags." One of the three fairies said quickly as he entered. "Poor dear... Let's get you all fixed up." Another said calmly before he was blasted with a jet of red magic. He glanced down and smiled. His mother's necklace was there. And he liked the outfit. He glanced at the betlt buckle. It was like the only metal piece. "That's your armor deary." The fairy explained. He smiled and nodded before walking out so the others could soon head in themselves. "This night be more interesting than I thought." He said to himself really trying to stay a bit more positive.