Spades turned as the Older looking wizard asked her to sit down. She did so with out question, He had said that proper talking amongst them could come later, and if Spades had her way it would. She took in all she was told with quite pensiveness, it explained a lot of what had been going on before she had left. The odd way the darkness had been attacking out of nowhere like that. She looked down curiously at the orb. Instant knowledge huh, that was a handy trick. This buisness about grate and powerful wizards certainly didn't seem to be an exaggeration. She gripped the orb tightly and suddenly she wasn't in the room with all the people. She was in a vast white space, and for a second it was just her in the huge void. She turned to look to see if there was any change in scenery behind her, but as soon as she had a familiar voice cried out from where she had been looking earlier. "EYES UP FRONT MISSY!" Spades turned around to see the March Hare, dressed as a teacher of some sort holding a piece of chalk in one hand and ruler in the other, standing in front of a large chalk board that was apparently simply FLOATING behind him. "Or do you want to tell the rest of the class what you find some interesting over there." The Hare continued. She blinked " of the class?" she said in dumbfounded silence. A snickering sound made her look to her left where she the Mad Hatter sitting in a desk, hand over his mouth to restrain a giggle and a tea cup on the corner. A snoring noise came from her right where the Door Mouse was laying on a miniature desk and sleeping soundly. With a swift swipe the March Hare struck Spades on top of her head with his Ruler "Yes, the rest of the class. Now have a seat so we can get started." Spades rubbed the stinging crown of her head and grumbled as she took a seat in a vacant third desk between the other two students. "All Right-y then. We have alot to cover, but luckily the Hatter killed Time, so we should be able to get through it before you know it. First, Keyblades." The hare began to spout a rather long lecture of near nonsense at a break neck speed. Spades came to the sudden realization that she had no notes, not paper to take notes on, and that she was missing almost all of the information. Before she knew it he erased the chalk board and went on to heartless. She started to raise her hand to ask questions in an attempt to get some kind of use of what has happening but it always resulted in her getting wacked by a ruler for 'interrupting the lecture' and the hatter giggling at her pain between sips of tea. The Door Mouse continued to sleep so soundly she didn't think a volcano would wake him up. The lecture on nobodies came and went just as incomprehensively fast and the young card girl sat in stunned silence. "Right, any questions?" Spades hesitated for a moment, unsure if this would result in another strike of disciple. When she decided it was safe and began to open her mouth the March Hare cut her off "None? Good, Then right to the Test!" "T-TEST? BUT-" Spades began only to be struck once more by the ruler "No talking back to teacher, now you have a minute to complete this, go." She and the other students handed a paper and a pen with 3 rather vague questions to be answered in short easy format. In panic she began to scribble what jumbled information she had gathered in a panicked rush. Before she knew it the March Hare yelled 'Times UP!' and snatched away her pen and paper. He examined the Hatters test paper. Instead of answers there were drawings of tea cups and hats. The Hare considered it for a moment then yelled out "PASS!" and tossed it over his head. He took a moment to look over the Door Mouse's paper, still completely blank thought slightly wrinkled given the mouse had tried to wrap them self in it as a blanket. "PASS!" he yelled and tossed it over his shoulder. He barely took a moment to even glance at Spades' paper before cringing and tossing it over his shoulder "Oh, its to horrible to look at! FAIL!" Spades stood up so quickly that her desk went flying into the chalk board and began yelling "What's horrible is your teaching methods! Your positively barbaric! Where on earth did you get your degree! I DEMAND TO SPEAK TO-" Spades was out of the white void and back in the room with the other youngsters and the wizards "-THE PRINCAPLE ABOUT THIS NONSENSE!" She blinked surprised by her volume and her sudden change in surroundings. She looked about in confusion and stared down at the ball in her hand frowning. She searched her thoughts and she found that despite the useless lessons of the March Hare she actually KNEW all the information she could possible need on keyblades, heartless, nobodies, and such. A deep frown came over her features and she grumbled "Not sure I like this kind of magic much." She left with the others to see the fairs about their equipment. She smiled at the boy who spoke to her. "Yes, Spades it is. And I'm sure you are right. But walking with a bunch of strangers is rather odd, I would much prefer if we got some time to know one another. We are meant to be a team after all." The gifting of her clothing and armor was a bit of a minor ordeal. They kept trying to give her something colorful, but it always came out black and white. The Faires were quite confused by this, but Spades explained with a sigh that this was the kind of thing that happened to all her clothing. She ended up in a outfit not to different that her original, save for it being fully black and white and the and the trim being a tad different in style. The bow holding her shoulder shall on had been replaced with a metal spade charm. She was told that was her armor and she nodded her approval. While she preferred bright colors and such she did have affection for her name sake. "It'll do." she replied bowing with a smile "Thank you."