[center][b]Damian Strath[/b] ---Mysterious Tower---[/center] Damian had listened to both Yen-Sid and the other wizard, Merlin had been his name, speak attentively. The knowledge of another person like the group in this room out there was useful and important, and he filed it away in case it was pertinent to their first mission. When the orb appeared in his hand, he frowned at it and looked at the man in the blue robe. [i]Rather lazy way of doing things, isn't it? And how in the world do we even-[/i] His thoughts were interrupted by one of the others saying to crush the orb in his hands and that it was a lot of information to take in. He snorted and looked the orb over some more. [i]Of course it's a lot to take in, the wizard's taking the easy way out. Eh, whatever.[/i] As he went to crush the orb in his hands, one of the others, the girl who had loudly demanded names, yelling at air. "-THE PRINCAPLE ABOUT THIS NONSENSE!" He chuckled when she stopped without warning and shook his head when she disappeared into the next room, crushed his own orb. The information was astounding and the way it came to him familiar, in the form of text books or an experienced sailor relating it to him. By the time he'd absorbed it all, he was confident he had a base understanding of everything and stood, heading to the room with the fairies as the girl came out, wearing some kind of black and white version of her dress from before with a metal pin on her shoulder, shaped like the symbol for the house of spades. Dismissing the girl from his mind for the time being, Damian steps into the room with the three fairies arguing with each other. "Ahem." They all jump and look at me and the red fairy smiles and then looks him over. "My, my, this won't do at all." Blasting Damian with a jet of red magic, he finds himself in a new shirt and pants, with a chest piece of metal covering, well, his chest. When he goes to ask about it, the fairy smiles and ushers him out the door. "It's simply your armor, young man. Hit it when you need to travel the corridors of light or use it in combat if absolutely necessary." Stepping out, Damian sighs and returns to his spot, summoning his keyblade and looking it over.