((For Sep)) Commander Tyerlon nodded and held up his datapad in order to read off of it. "Sir, there are several planets which have not openly declared with either side in the War," said Tyerlon. "The ones we have the most information on are Colisore, Corelda, Danpidor, Gamaloth, and Mandelyk. Off the bat, sir, I'd say Gamaloth is out; it's ruled by the Hutts, and they have connections and people to call on throughout this Sector, so their exact strength is very difficult to measure. The same goes for Danpidor. It's run by corporate interests, but again they have strong connections throughout the Sector. Corelda and Mandelyk are a bit more isolated, but they still have a lot of punch, especially Corelda; Blackstar operates there and has heavy interest on that planet. I'd suggest Colisore, sir. They recently rebelled, have a revolutionary government set up, and refuse to align with anyone at the moment. There is a sense of controlled chaos there."