The new Relics concept has really shaped up today after we worked well with AlidaMaria. We have high hopes it can be ready to launch soon. We still need to name a few nations and such, but thats actually fairly a minor thing considering that everyone will start in Othea. if you want to name some, feel free to use the map posted earlier for reference. Named nations are: Blue center (Othea) Green NE of that (Kalnach) Red East (Kalesia) Yellow (tentatively, "Haunted hills") Southern peninsula (Dominion of Idris) some of the eastern islands (Da-Hyun) two-three not-quite-placed nations (Oragos, Harra?) You can work out from this framework: (use [url=]this[/url] link to get the code) [b]Location: [/b] [b]Relics: [/b] [b]Culture: [/b] [b]Military: [/b] [b]Climate: [/b] [b]Political Climate: [/b] [b]Religion: [/b]