Kira had been asleep during the lecture. Sure, it would have been a five minute walk up the weird mysterious floating stairs, but she was renown for either being late or on-time. No in betweens. Today just so happened to be late, and it couldn't be a worse timing. Today they were gonna group up and do... whatever it was that keyblade bearers did. She knew it had something to do with Heartless and that was why she was able to return home, but not much else. She liked it that way though, the simplicity made life livable. But now... now she was going through a door that would completely change her life. However, she recalled the event that brought her here. [i] It had been just another delivery, just a box full of junk that had to be put elsewhere. Simple, even if it was littering. She made her way down to the castle, while she'd never go in -not with all the heartless that had been there before and were still likely lurking there- she'd go the valley just before and throw the junk box at the heartless. She like to imagine them tinkering up some kind of robot with the parts. She took a moment to adjust the box in her arms and realize that in her daydreaming she'd walked into a dead end. It wouldn't have been as bad except for the ten heartless gathered on mass at the exit of the alleyway. She turned around and sighed. "I don't suppose you guys would be willing to take this box and leave me alone?" she asked the heartless bravely. She even put on a weak, fake smile to persuade them to leave her alone. They didn't answer. Kira took advantage of the silence to throw the box at them and try to scatter them. Then she charged forward wielding only a stick that had been only moments before been resting in the gutter. She took a large swing at the weakest heartless in the front, only to discover the weight of the stick was more than expected and threw her off balance enough to see that she was no longer holding a stick, but a giant key. "This is the dumbest weapon!" she shouted at it after it appeared.[/i] "It's still a weird looking weapon... all this concern over a giant key." Kira said as she approached the door and peered inside, trying to figure out the best corner to hide in an avoid notice from Yen-Sid. The guy was so calm all the time that it worried Kira that if she entered and discovered her tardiness, and got upset then she would probably die right then and there. She crept inside the room quietly, taking her place in the back of the room, as far away from the desk where Yen-Sid usually sat. [i]Maybe because he's so old his eyesight will be bad and he won't get mad...[/i]