[quote][i]"... have been increased, according to Minister of Defense, in an attempt to contain further contaminants from escaping the British Isles. Meanwhile, investigations continue into the catastrophic failure of the Joint Helix facility in the Highlands of Scotland, where an estimated three-hundred twenty people have died, including Chief Science Officer and co-founder Doctor Birmingham Bayly, and hundreds of loose 'bio-weaponized contaminants' have been released. Described as genetically altered lizard-like lifeforms with variations ranging from super-strength to underwater swimming to even what some have dubbed "The Dragon of Scotland". According to local news, Scottish residents local to the area have established a reward fund to be delivered to whomever can claim to slay this fabled 'Dragon', though police are advising people to stay far away from any of these contaminants and report them to local authorities as soon as they can be found. No word as to what involvement, if any, the Ministry of the Extraordinary will play in the upcoming days, but -"[/i][/quote] As the waitress turned off the TV and went to deliver two orders, two old men stopped staring at the TV and turned to face each other. "You know, as if this world wasn't weird enough, now you've got this so-called 'dragon' flying out of Britain?" "Weird? What do you mean 'weird'?" "Well... these 'superhumans', I just - I dunno, something about them ain't right. I mean... take my grand nephew, Michael. My brother was saying he dated this girl, one of them super girls that could move hair around, took on a job as a barber -" "Oh, remind me I have to meet with Samuel at 3:30 tomorrow for my regular cut -" "Never mind that, these two apparently get into a fight, and you know what happens? She nearly scalps Michael with her super powers." "What a way to go. Young girls are damn crazy, these days." "It ain't even the girls. Just... could you imagine a world where the only super people you ever hear about were only fictional? Like, it was normal to not worry about having your hair ripped out by some hair-controlling freak or something?" "Now I think you're talking crazy." "Well in another world, maybe I'm not the crazy one." As they started to argue over mental capacities, a large shadow swiftly swept over the pit stop, causing some of the silver wear to rattle. "The hell was that, some big eagle?" "The hell that ain't no eagle, now who's the crazy one?" "You boys better stop talking" said the waitress as she peered over the counter. "That there weren't no eagle." --- On the outskirts of the city, close to the industrial warehousing sector, a giant creature glided down, unseen in the late evening light. After many hours and even days of flying, he finally found a perfectly secluded spot on the edges of the Pacific Ocean, where after a few days of rest and recouperation, he could continue to fly. He never wanted to leave home, to leave his "father", but He made him... He gave no one a choice... Exhausted and with a slight moan, Drake curled up and managed to find some sleep. Tomorrow would be a long day.