Jack fished his keys out of his jacket's interior pocket, the bits of metal rattling against each other. He inserted a key into the lock of his apartment and gave it a twist, the locking mechanism grinding with a solid click. He pushed the door open, after pulling the key out, with his hand holding his groceries. The door slowly swung ajar, revealing his sparsely decorated apartment. A screen print of a Monet painting hung upon the wall, above the single couch that was facing the television that was on top of a wooden stand. He set the groceries down on a table that was adjacent to his apartment's tiny kitchen, He sighed, this was all he could really afford with the jobs from the Collections Network not being the most reliable way to get paid. He took off his jacket, and his nametag, tossing the former over the chair, and putting the latter on the table. His day job was part time at some small time restaurant. The fourth one this year. He spent most of his money on this place, but even that didn't cut it at this point. He wouldn't have enough money for the rent by the end of the month. A glass display case hung over the table, with his insignias from his time in the French Foreign Legion, almost mocking him. At least then he was something. He put his groceries away into the refrigerator, getting out some fettuccine noodles to make for dinner.Jack took a second to fill the metal pan with water. Setting the pan on the stove, he sighed as he flipped the heating element on, letting the water heat up. He directed his mental attention at the water. It seemed to boil after only a few seconds. It was going to be a long afternoon, he didn't need to lengthen it with tedious tasks.