Lord Tamerlane's Magnificent Gadget Emporium. That's what it said on the sign above the door. Lord Tamerlane was only a lord in the technical sense. He had received an honorary knighthood for his work in the Ministry of the Extraordinary as an outfitter. His inventions, especially the armour, had saved the lives of many an operative. These days he sold most of the things he invented. Most of his armours and gadgets went for limited runs of a dozen or so. Selling off the shelves to make the profits he needed to keep the place afloat. The rest of the business was supported by the sale of common things like smartphones, tasers, pepper spray, motorcycles, ATVs, just various things the supernormal community tended to be interested in. He liked to spend most of his time in the store tending the juice bar on the second floor above the show room. The rest of the store could easily be tended by one of his many employees. He mainly preferred the bar because he got to overhear the chatter of the various supernormals as they drank his specialized concoctions. His Juices were made from special breeds of supernormal fruit and were extremely high in energy. Just the thing for your average supernormal looking for a boost.