Xeroth glanced over to where his fireball exploded in huge cacaphony of red and orange. "Heh, your bluster amuses me worm." Xeroth heaved up his tail and smashed in down on the 'roof', causing a tremor that knocked a bit more of the ceiling into the room. The poor facility was just having no luck today. "I doubt you know anything about the dragon balls but if I bust you up maybe that scientist lady will loosen her tongue and maybe you'll even be able to help me warm-up!" Completely focused on Wolf, Xeroth was very quickly forgetting that he was not alone, his instincts already starting to take over. Xeroth got down on all fours like a lizard and almost as soon as he had, bolting toward Wolf at an incredible speed for such a large body. Quickly closing the gap Xeroth launched himself forward, claws extended in an attempt to catch the saiyan in his grasp and let his massive weight and muscle provide the rock demolishing power he was capable of. Glacier listened to the beast's words with intense interest, "A demon you say? So this creature is of this planet?" Glacier asked Maximus as she watched the drama unfold before their eyes. She could not help but make a mental note at the creature's mention of dragon balls, could the creature be talking about the legendary items that Freiza tried to collect all those years ago? It was too soon to be certain, for now she would wait to see if intervention would be necessary.