Tess positioned herself in the best possible place to view all entrances and exits, but the room was empty for the most part. [i]And I'm still wearing this damn coat, damnit Ames.[/i] It was way too conspicuous. She'd have to beat him when she got back, and convince him to get a better wardrobe for times like these. Her musing was interrupted by someone entering from the restricted access area. This had to be her target. The scrutiny she was waiting for finally came, of course it did, she stuck out like a sore thumb. The brown haired woman simply put on a confident air though, walking towards the exit. [i]Is it her?[/i] If it was, it might be quite the challenge. The girl was a plain wrapper. And those tended to be more than they appeared. [i]Come on....come on.[/i] She heard a chirp in her ear, a red outline was superimposed over the woman and appropriate information appeared next to the figure. [i]"Tesla, thats the target, one of the ones from that van. Shes sure to have some sort of exfil nearby. Get to it."[/i] "I know, calm your tits." It was time. Now Tess could have calmly exited the building, called for an extract, and quickly bundled the thief inside of the transport. But anyone who even remotely knew her, knew that this didn't even cross her mind. The woman was almost at the door, she needed to do this quick. "Dar, have exfil on the way, I want to make this quick." She threw the cloak to the ground and drew the Ark3, while flicking out a crackling baton with the left hand. She leveled the gun, steadied with the wrist of her baton arm. "On the ground, hands on your head. Now!" Tess barked at figure. The ASIOS system showed the distance for the shot. [i]Too far, I might miss.[/i] She started to shuffle forward, closing the distance.