Claiming this spot Name: Cassius Hale Age: 18 Gender: Male appearance: [hider=Cass][img][/img][/hider] personality: He is nice to his friends and comrades even f he isn't on good terms with them. His enemies face his full wrath, he demonstrates extreme anger when confronting anyone who has injured a companion, he cares about his team, feeling that his powers task him with the duty of defending them species: Mutant Crush: No one yet Powers: Peak Human Conditioning, Organic Metal(think of Colossus from X-Men) Superhuman Physiology Weapons: None --- Name: Bastion and Alistair Age: ageless Gender: Males personality: Despite any situation the two are calm, collected, and casual, great tricksters species: Unknown but what is know is that they do look human and dominate an alternate plane of dimension's form of hell called Tartarus which held many realms. Crush: who knows? not me xD Powers: Darkness Manipulation(Alistair), Duplication(Alistair), Total Energy Manipulation(Bastion), Demonic Physiology(Alistair & Bastion), Hell manipulation, absorption and control(Bastion) Weapons: [hider=The Devil Bringer(Bastion has one on his right and Alistair has one on his left][img][/img] It's a magically enhanced hell-forged weapon capable of piercing any metal or substance[/hider] Appearance: [hider=Bastion and Alistair][img][/img][/hider] --- I have finished xD [u][i][b]Loca virgultis obsita [/u][/b][/i] Planet Landscape: The planet of Loca appears to be a planet-wide rainforest covered by a mass of dense jungle. Some sections of the planet holds fairly large and abyss-like lakes. The planet is also riddled with large caves that support the planet's fauna and megafauna. The emergent layer of the forest consists of large trees, the canopy has slightly smaller trees that block out sunlight making it appear dark, the canopy also criss-crosses dead trees along it as well, creating pathways for the tree dwelling animals The understory consists of the large roots of the emergent layer's trees, many roots shaped in a unique ways, inadvertently creating arches at times. The forest floor holds many unique and beautiful types of flora that survive the world despite there being no light. Many of the flora share a symbiotic relationship with the trees and leech from them, others have carnivorous tendencies. [u][b][i]Megafauna[/i][/b][/u] [hider=Prophet Strider(Herbivore)][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Greater Lightsail(Herbivore)][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Carnisaur](Carnivore)[img][/img] They bite....[/hider] [u][b][i]Fauna[/i][/b][/u] [hider=Arachinraptor(Carnivore)][img][/img] These particular creatures are extremely fast and agile, topping speeds of up to 80 miles per hour when chasing down prey. They display an olive green coloring on their skin and horizontal teal colored stripes along their head down to their tail. Arachniraptors have two sets of arms, upper and lower that are used for grasping onto small prey items and tearing them apart, both sets can work independently.They have also been known to attack larger animals and even cannibalize on each other. It has five compound eyes allowing it to see in the dark with ease as well as see farther distances, the simple eyes allow it to distinguish color. They normally travel in packs that range up to the amount of fifty, their minimum being twenty. They posses power jaws and a mouth with a single upper and lower row of teeth with the bottom front two being five inches long and the rest being three inches long.[/hider] [hider=Saberjag(Carnivore)][img][/img] The Saberjag's name is derived from the long upper and lower saber-like canine teeth, they extremely fast, capable of easily outrunning an Arachniraptor. They are solitary predators and are adept cimbers, able to stalk prey from the canopy with ease.[/hider] [hider=Spiderchimp(Herbivore)][img][/img] So sue me, I couldn't be clever with this one xD Spiderchimps are docile in nature but when threatened they will attack viciously, demonstrating their surprising upper strength. They are fast in the trees, using the vines and pathways of the canopy to get to fruits.[/hider] [hider=Bushwacker(Carnivore)][img][/img] An aggressively predatory forest dweller, the Bushwhacker makes up for its small size through patience and lightning fast reflexes. Moving slowly along vines and creepers, the alien sneaks up on prey, and then stabs deep inside using its proboscis. This injects a dose of venom and is then retracted, so that the rows of cheek teeth can grip prey while the small mouth consumes the victim. The Bushwacker has also been observed to hang in dense foliage and attack land living creatures in a similar fashion as they pass underneath. [/hider] [hider=Birrin(Sentient)][img][/img] The Birrin are an egg laying species, and clutches typically contain 3 or 4 eggs which hatch within days of each other to reveal small, hungry and fuzzy chicks. The young birrin have several adaptations evolved to aid their survival in the humid and life filled swamps in which the species first evolved. The short hair covering their small bodies is a dense mat of fibers designed to keep the myriad nest parasites from gaining access to their skin, while the conspicuous stripes allow birrin parents to immediately locate their young on foraging trips. This fur, while useful, poses an overheating problem in the tropical climate and so the undersides of the large dorsal ‘wings’ are highly vascular and by holding them out from the body the young can cool themselves. The fur is shed in stages, first falling away from the lower limbs to prevent mud from the wet forest floor fouling the fibers. The other major adaptation youthful birrin possess are large patterned plate-like growths around the base of each eye stalk, and covering part of the breathing apparatus: These plates not only help deny access to certain parasites but are also used to elicit feeding behavior from the adults when displayed around the open mouth. Most modern birrin, having long since industrialized, rarely brood traditionally but often use communal incubators or hired nannies to warm eggs during gestation. Depicted here are two young birrin recently out of the nest and already engaging in the boisterous play behaviours that will prepare them for their often dynamic, active lives. The picture just under depicts two adult Birrin.......getting high xD [img][/img] Many birrin, being pleasurably susceptible to many of the psychoactive defense compounds found in their planets’ plants, have developed complex rituals around recreational drug use. The practices are not universally accepted, and many societies have strict controls to reduce their economic impacts. Others embrace them to such an extent that they have become an essential part of the daily ritual: many stop at their local smoking bars to partake in a variety of substances both inhaled and ingested. As community focal points, smoking houses are also places for social interactions, and as a way to prepare for, or wind down from, the days’ pressures. [/hider] [hider=Leviathan(Malevolent Sentient)][img][/img] These guys will be me ;D[/hider] [u][b][i]Insects[/i][/b][/u] [hider=Laughing People(Carnivore)][img][/img] Most of this horrifying and mysterious creatures’ life cycle is spent deep underground, leading many surface dwelling sentients to dismiss their existence as myth. However, once a decade or so, they enter the final stage of their life cycle, metamorphosing into roughly humanoid entities which emerging en masse to capture every living creature nearby. Their unpredictable, devastating attacks, and the manner in which they kill, have granted them status as the most feared entities on the planet, legendary or otherwise. Individually, each mobile form is known as a ‘Giggler’ due to the rapid high-pitched laughter they emit from their toothless, grinning maws. These sounds are actually part of the beings’ echolocation system through which these eyeless entities perceive their environment. When a laughing person has detected a prey source it will lock on, appearing to “laugh” at an increasingly hysterical rate until it is within reach. It will then lash out with its long, gangly forearms and grasp the victim in a death embrace. This brings prey into contact with its toxin-infused skin, which rapidly necrotize the preys’ own integument causing it to fall away. Victims are then dragged back to a new lair and piled on top of one another. Their decomposing flesh now serves as compost for the next generation of laughing people, which will emerge from spores left in the corpses by the adults, who die soon after. The adult phase’s short life is due to the lack of a functional digestive system, instead relying on energy stored on their backs and accumulated during their growth phase. These ‘food pouches’ shrink rapidly, and over two or three days a Giggler will become increasingly shriveled and emaciated with sections of flesh starting to peel away under the influence of its own skin-necrotizing toxin, against which it only has a temporary immunity. Despite their frail appearance laughing people are extremely hard to kill and can take severe damage. Entire limbs can be blown off and they will still crawl towards their prey giggling away as they try to literally hug them to death… [/hider] [hider=Needlejaw(Omnivore)][img] [/img] The Needlejaw is a 4 foot tall quadrupedal omnivore inhabiting the dense red-leaved woodlands of a small fertile world. During the forty-hour periods of daylight it divides its time between resting, and tracking down fruits and soft plants with its keen sense of a smell, piercing them with its hardened rostrum and sucking out the fluids. As darkness descends however, its behavior changes dramatically: Antennae previously held furled against the head are deployed and are able to detect the infrared radiation given off by its warm-blooded prey in the darkening forest. Using its slender legs and light build, the Needlejaw stalks silently until near enough to strike, driving its pointed beak downward with enough force to pierce tough skin and inject potent toxins and enzymes. The wounded prey is then tracked by the Needlejaws’ keen sense of smell, and drained of its body fluids by a strong muscular pharynx. Powerful, sharp edged claws usually held flat against the chest are used to manipulate prey to facilitate feeding, or to tear open organs and other tough tissues. They are also utilized in carrying prey to a safer feeding location, where it will be protected from other, larger predators. This ability; to exploit different food resources during both day and night cycles, has allowed the Needlejaws to diversify greatly, and the group is found in large numbers in many habitats across the planet.[/hider] [u][b][i]Aquatic Life[/i][/b][/u] [hider=Crystalline Cloakmouth][img][/img] "The flowerjaw body plan reached its peak diversity in marine environments, where this group inhabits almost every major ecological niche. The deep oceans, while low in energy and deprived of oxygen and sunlight, are nevertheless home to numerous creatures. The beings of this ecosystem are able to exploit the abundant surface environment through either migrating vertically at night to feed, or by preying on creatures migrating into the deep to escape surface predators. Sit and wait predation is an energy efficient way to hunt, and the Crystalline Cloakmouth represents an extreme adaptation to this way of life. The reduced, soft body hangs below the highly modified mouthparts, which are dominated by huge vertical jaws spanning 13 inches from tip to tip. Sharp semitransparent mandibles are poised ready to snap shut on any prey lured inwards by the bioluminescent tip of the tongue. Prey that comes too close is skewered by the mandibles and then enclosed by the heavily pigmented jaws. This prevents they preys' defensive bioluminescence being detected by larger foes. The two huge lower eyes are oriented upwards and modified to detect the bioluminescence of prey, or their shadows' against the downwelling surface light. The horizontal jaws, thin and elongated, are spread to the sides and covered in a line of fluid filled spheres able to detect vibrations in the water, a system also present around the rim of the main jaws. The horizontal mandibles are shorter and more robust than the crystalline seizing jaws, and are hidden away until prey is captured, which they proceed to butcher and then pass downwards into the pharynx. The upper eyestalks are highly elongated and the post-ocular sections bifurcated into sensors adapted to detect the sex pheromones of conspecifics. Currents are so slow and the environment so vast that highly sensitive antennae are needed to detect minute concentrations of chemicals in the water. The small eyes on these tentacles are still functional but of low resolution; they monitor the light from the surface world and allow the Crystalline Cloakmouth to tell night from day. Although ungainly, the Crystalline Cloakmouth can move quickly in short bursts to escape predators. Defence consists of several stages: First, the jaws with their large surface area are clamped rapidly together, shooting the creature away in the opposite direction. At the same time, thin translucent threads are extruded from modified limbs near the tail to form a mesh in the fleeing animals' wake. Predators caught in this are tangled by the sticky threads, which bioluminesce on contact and thus render the predator visible to its own enemies. Proteins on the Cloakmouths' skin inhibit this reaction when it becomes entangled in its own threads. As a final defense, the Crystalline Cloakmouth leaves the area using paired fins usually held tightly against its body, swimming slowly backwards to new hunting grounds. " [/hider] [hider=Freshwater Quadorca][img][/img] About 1 foot in length, this creature travels in schools, hunting fast swimming prey. Instead of using its four jaws to catch food, the first pair of limbs have evolved into raptorial appendages. These are tucked in under the mouth, ready to strike out at soft bodied food. The mouth cavity contains a complex beak to process prey and can also serve as a food storage organ, so that parents can bring food back to their communal creches. Two large nostrils on the top of the head can extend fleshy air tubes, as these aliens cannot breath water. Evolved from a creature with four eyes, the upper two have greatly reduced in size and can detect threats, whilst the lower pair face forwards for accurate depth perception when hunting. Intelligent social animals, they live in family groups which travel together, all members taking turns at protecting and feeding the vulnerable young. [/hider] [hider=Collarfins][img][/img] 1:Caudacephalus. A backwards-swimming collarfin group with primitive anatomy, filter-feeder. 15 cm length max. 1.1: Tip of 1.'s feeding trunk. 2:Lutoichtyides. A nocturnal bottom-dweller with the lower fins evolved into tentacle-like feelers. 5-39 cm length. 3: Xenoselache. A large pelagial predator with asymmetrical lateral fins and well-developed sensory rows. 4-7 m length. 4: Polypinna. Belongs to a family with many species in many ecological niches especially in shallow sea water and and rivers. 0,5-20 cm length. 5.Laternocauda. A deep-sea form of collarfins that lost their lateral fins with bio-luminescence organs on the tail for recognition and on the lips for prey attraction. 17 cm length. [/hider] [hider=Grappleshark][img][/img] 'Grappler sharks' live near the surface and use the eyes on the tops of their heads as light meters to camouflage their bodies to prey that swims beneath them. Though fast on their own, they prefer to sneak up on prey and latch onto it with their pharyngeal jaws before reeling it in. In this illustration it's attacking a human in an uncharacteristic fashion, adding to the many accounts of bizarre or aggressive behavior the planet's animals exhibit in the presence of humans... [/hider] [hider=Aquatic Horror][img][/img] This predator is an ambush predator that often lays in wait at the bottom of mangroves or other shallow bodies of water much like a crocodilian. The tendrils are allowed to drift in the current completely exposed, the extra long highly sensitive hairs pick up any movement from prey and the pores detect the electrical current. Armed with these "super sensors" the animal has a nearly perfect kill percentage, save for the few exceptionally quick morsels. Needless to say, these predators would take an unsuspecting Gapuri swimmer without hesitation. They would be a satisfying meal for a good week or so. [/hider]