Awesome I shall put down a character then ^^ [b]Character Sheet[/b] Notable Parents: (EX: Baralai and Paine or any main or supporting character in the games.*Note those two are taken unless you want a brother as a character in the story*) [color=#FF0040]None that she knew of, she's a orphan so she doesn't know her parents.[/color] Name: [color=#FF0040]Alex[/color] Age: [color=#FF0040]21[/color] Sex: [color=#FF0040]Female[/color] Hair Color: [color=#FF0040]Red[/color] Eye color: [color=#0080FF]Bright Blue[/color] Appearance: (Picture preferred, Description is accepted, both are best!) [img][/img] [color=#FF0040]Stands 6'8, has slightly tanned skin with a large scar going from cheek bone to cheek bone and crossing the bridge of her nose just below the eyes. Wears black fingerless armored knuckled gloves, as well as a chain necklace with a silver pendant with design of the summoning creature Valefor.[/color] Weapon: [color=#FF0040]Sword[/color] Any Armor: [color=#FF0040]Has minor chest plates and some protection to the hips and armored knuckled gloves[/color] Biography: [color=#FF0040]There isn't much to say really. Alex was found at the doorsteps of the Besaid Orphanage when just a infant. No one knew her name or where she came from, but she was named Alexandra after a legendary summon. Though she mostly called herself Alex, finding the shorter version more pleasing to hear at least coming from others. She was always a rambunctious child, always outgoing and ready to take on any challenge. Having a temper and a blunt personality, she didn't have a lot of friends. However, she loved hearing the stories of the heroes who stopped Sin. In fact, one day Yuna and Tidus came to visit the orphanage. The blonde man had shown her kindness and shared stories of his adventures, especially as a Blitzball Player. That was the day when she dreamed of becoming the best Blitzball player. Of course, that was always difficult for anyone. So she practiced everyday to be just like Tidus. Practicing with a wooden sword and a ball. In her teen years, she had a lot of competition to get in the home team. Years in fact of trying in the try outs until she was finally accepted. Now she has become a star player, known for her aggressive tackles play on the field by defending her team.[/color] Personality: [color=#FF0040]Alex is a hot tempered woman with a sharp tongue. She is brutally honest and speaks her mind without truly thinking it through. She at times can be immature and is easily side tracked when pushed to aggression. Often careless and reckless, she finds herself in bad situations a lot times that usually end up in a brawl. Despite her aggressive nature, she has a kind heart and believes in doing the right thing, of course what she thinks is right. She has a soft heart for women and children, mostly. Usually she is able to speak her mind clearly, but when she feels flustered or embarrassed, she tends to stutter, have a mental panic attack, before avoiding the situation awkwardly. She also tends to have a very overprotective nature when she does care for someone. Be it friendship or love interest.[/color] Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there? [color=#FF0040]Living there.[/color]