Xeroth was about to hit home when Violet mentioned a dragon radar and his reptillian eyes widened in surprise as he looked over toward her. "Really-" was as far as he got since he was already full steam ahead, missed Wolf and rammed into the mountainside with a huge smash, putting some serious cracks in solid stone. Xeroth stumbled back a bit from the impact, shook his head and righted himself back onto his hind legs. Xeroth was still itching to crush Wolf but that would have to wait as this bit of intel was too important to pass up. A rock from above smashed down on his head but he barely noticed it as it split apart over his head. "If you would take me to the place you speak of and locate the dragon radar for me that would greatly speed up our search for the rest of them. As for their use, it is not for something so petty as conquerering this puny world. All Tyrus-sama wishes is to eternally open up the gateway between this world and our demon one. Once the gateway is eternally open demons will pour in from our parallel dimension opening up new possibilites for demon-kind as we scatter ourselves throughout the cosmos! Well at least that's kind of the speech he gave us, frankly I think he's mostly just trying to amuse himself but whatever the case this world will forever be changed as it melds together with the demon dimension!" Xeroth brought a claw up to his head and concentrated as he quickly relayed his new information through their madoshi friend. His concentration was interrupted however by Glacier, "If I have heard correctly essentially your master's wish is to allow his dimension to invade this one. Humph, this planet certainly doesn't need to be invaded twice through I have a feeling these demons might stand a better chance when the dark saiyans come to finish us off. However I have a feeling none of us would be around long enough to see the two forces clash." Xeroth snorted, "As if I give a pea what happens to you guys after the gateway is forced open. You'd better show be where those dragon radars are located if you want even a chance for survival."