Name: Ryan Age: 18 Gender: Male personality: TBR (if that's okay) species: [hider=Sceadugengan] A creature that usually lives in the forest, capable of shape-shifting, usually solitary (despite being able to take on any form really, their irises are pitch black) (name basically means shadow-walker)[/hider] Appearance: [img=] (his usual appearance) Crush: Zayne Powers: [hider=shapeshifting] Able to change shape at will[/hider] [hider=Shadow manipulation] Able to change the shape of nearby shadows, as well as solidify them to use for offensive purposes[/hider] [hider=Lack of necessity] Basically, just him not needing most things that normal humans do... he's technically not alive, nor dead, but isn't really an undead either... it's weird...[/hider] Weapons: Shadows as well as his own body under the circumstances he changes shape to do so