"Are you a cop? You don't look like a cop. Please say you're not a cop." "I'm whoever you want me to be sweetheart." Tess shot back, no hint of humor in her voice. "I can also be quite lenient. So take that disc you have, put it on the ground, then make yourself scarce." She shuffled closer, [i]If I can get close enough, I won't have to use the gun if she makes a move.[/i] Hell, one good lunge and Tess could just take her down now. But her target seemed ready to run, no telling what would happen next. She keyed her comms, "Dar?" [i]"Exfil is on station."[/i] "Have them in the intersection outside, we're coming out one way or another." [i]"Alright, ten seconds out."[/i]