as Xeroth finished speaking, a buzzing sound could be heard, it was getting louder, then a flaming disc sped past Xeroth barley touching the tip of his nose, as it continued it cut into the mountain going clean through it like it was nothing, when it pierced through the other side before it dispersed into flames. in the air above them hovered Amber, a look of anger in her eye's, in her right hand she held another flaming disc ready to be thrown "hey leather neck... if you want a chance of survival I suggest you leave and fly as fast as you can, because the first disc was a warning..." she warned as the disc in her right hand began spinning, slowing she hovered down so she was eye level with Xeroth "I don't intend to miss with the second..." her voice dripped with burning venom as she glared into Xeroths eye's . Maximus hovered in place, his arms loosely hanging at his sides as he watched events unfold, he then looked to his left as he began to wirelessly hack into a satellite in orbit, when he had control he used it's camera to zoom in on a certain area, the abandoned red ribbon army base headquarters, if he was to believe what the demon said, then he couldn't let it happen, if there was a dragon radar of some sort hidden within the base, he had to destroy it, when he got the base's exact location he opened his right hand as a silver orb formed in it, it crackled with an electric hum as it grew to the size of a large baseball, he funneled energy into the sphere in his hand making it glow brightly, without a second thought he reeled back his hand and threw the orb in the direction on the red ribbon base, within seconds the orb vanished over the horizon as I sped toward it's target, Maximus turned to face the demon just before Amber had thrown a flaming disc at it, he was going to engaged the demon, but he wanted to see what was going to happen . as a breeze flows through the empty red ribbon base, in a cracked glass case, a rusted dragon radar rested, as the sun set and the sky darkened, a bright silver light lit the horizon as a silver orb sped over it, as it closed in it dived through a hole in the roof and kept going, seconds later silver light began to glow through every window, every crack and hole in the building before the whole complex was enveloped in a massive explosion, the tree's surrounding the area were blown over as a mushroom cloud plumed into the sky, the red ribbon army base was no more