[b][u]Okuda – Corelda[/b][/u] Okuda weaved his way through the darkened maze of corridors in the palace, passing soldiers and various weapon and equipment caches as he did so. He held his helmet under his right arm as he walked, not so concerned about comfort as much as security checks; with his helmet off he was recognisable and didn’t have to worry about being stopped. There was something about this palace and the way the military had kept it like a base that made him feel oddly at home and comfortable. Three men stood by the door to the interrogation room, one Coreldan solider and two Blackstar mercenaries. “Don’t get me wrong I’m on the right side and all, but torturing and stuff? I don’t like this. I don’t think it’s necessary and it’ll just make people hate us.” said one of the mercenaries gesturing to the uniforms that both he and his colleague wore and the soldiers. The three of them didn’t notice Okuda until he was close, and they became quiet under his cold glare. Okuda heard the conversation and whilst he agreed such measures summoned hatred, he had no moral obligation… after all ‘information gathering’ was what he was here to do. Stepping inside of the bleak room Okuda found a man tied to a chair beside some vicious equipment, and two masked men waiting beside the door. The room had been completely gutted from a bedroom or whatever it was, into this cold and unsettling cell. The young man tied to the chair was no older than twenty and dressed in what was [i]once[/i] fine attire. His name was Gavine and although their intel couldn’t say whose son he was, he was clearly the son of someone important to the royal sympathisers and he seemed to be mildly force sensitive. Okuda placed his helmet in the hand of one of the masked guards; unlike them, his own cold pale face was adequately intimidating. “Two common mistakes that most make in these [i]interrogations[/i] is that they begin resorting to torture even before they’ve began asking questions, and that when they do begin the torture they aim for areas like the face or genitals immediately instead of working their way there; silly really as the prisoner is then either in too much pain or terror to answer correctly, or if they’re strong enough they will simply not answer out of spite of their punishment.” Okuda stated as he continuously looked into Gavine’s eyes. He remained silent for a few moments to allow his words to sink in before continuing, “Your friends are outnumbered, outgunned, and even lack support. We both know that it’s only a matter of time before they’re rooted out, and there will be many causalities on both sides I’m sure. Tell me what you can and lives can be spared. We can adjust our battle plans in such a way that we can afford to capture rather than kill, or if the information is good enough we may even be able to have your friends surrender without any blood being spilt. So please, what can you tell me?”