Legal Name: Zenith [Born Micheal Ignatis] Alias(es): No. 42 [Number Forty Two] Physical Appearance: 5'11”, 185lbs. Dark brown hair and eyes. Pale with a fair complexion, Zenith is of slim build, with an evenly muscled figure, more smoothly toned than bulked. Often wearing dark clothing, he walks as swiftly and silently as possible while retaining his good posture. His stance is rather relaxed. Zenith's hair is long, tied back in a pony-tail which reaches the bottom of his shoulder blades; he is usually clean-shaven. Zenith wears slightly oversized clothing, except for his tight black T-shirt underneath a hooded, baggy dark green coat, the brim of which ends mid-thigh. The coat has both zipper and buttons. There is a distinct scar slightly under his third rib up on his left side, which extends down to his hip. Dark grey camo pants adorn his legs, with a thick leather belt. High traction, hardened work boots cover his feet. Race: Caucasian; Italian/German Gender: Male. Date of Birth: December 31st, 1983 Supernormal Category: Standard Deviation Human [hider=Primary Powers] Electrokinesis - Zenith's main ability. Manipulating electrons with an extreme level of discretion and fine level of control, this power is the most versatile tool he possesses. The control is so precise that Zenith can directly influence the directional flow of electrons even as they pass through solid material, including non-conductive materials. In this case, the electrons do not affect the matter, they instead simply travel through it without damage to it. However, the more dense the material, the more difficult it is to guide the electrons, and once a certain density or/and depth is reached, Zenith cannot guide the electrons further due to interference. Kinetic Blast/Grappling – This ability focuses on raw power and speed, rather than a honed degree of control, contrasting Zenith's Electrokinesis. The range on this power is limited to approximately a 1km distance; however, the precision of this ability is greatly affected by distance. For example, when attempting to pull a mass from the maximum range, Zenith cannot move the mass with much speed, while moving something which is touching Zenith can quickly break the sound barrier. As a trade off, this ability uses a proportional amount of energy comparatively to the amount of mass being moved, as well as the speed the material is being accelerated to. [/hider] [hider=Secondary Powers] Regeneration – This standard ability grants Zenith the ability to regenerate to a previous, healthy state. Super-reflexes – Coupled with years of training, Zenith is highly reactive to stimuli, particularly sound and sight. These aid him in avoiding danger, especially in combat scenarios. Super-stamina – Zenith has the endurance of an Olympic athlete, for comparison. Super-durability – Skin, bones, and everything in between have much higher impact resistance and tensile strength than a regular human, to the point where he can resist extreme temperatures for extended periods of time, and greatly reduce his body's reaction to radioactivity. Super-senses – Zenith has a very keen awareness of the electromagnetic fields created by objects, substances and people. However, similar to listening for a pattern or sound within white noise, this requires applied concentration. As such, he is not always aware of the magnetic fields around him, he needs to actively pay attention. [/hider] [hider=Skills, Training, Equipment] Skills: Zenith is an excellent problem solver. Although not as obvious a skill as an incredible sense of balance, greater agility or similar aspects, Zenith can easily adapt to just about any situation or scenario and generate a fast, appropriate and well thought out response. This quality is enhanced by the amount of information Zenith has at his disposal; essentially, he has the ability to make the best decisions and actions available to him with a given amount of knowledge. Training: Having attempted training in several schools of hand to hand combat, Zenith is by no means a master of martial arts, but is adept at defending himself from assault at close range. Instead, he much prefers either the naval spadroon style of sword [resembles a cutlass, but without any curve to the blade, and substantially narrower; a cut and thrust weapon], or a 9mm calibre pistol. He has been trained in the use of such weapons, but adopts his own style of fighting, which focuses on creating distance between himself and opponents. Equipment/Property: A knife with a four inch blade rests in a leather sheath on the front right side on his belt. Within the interior pockets of his coat reside a small leather-bound book, a mechanical pencil loaded full of lead, an eraser and a stick of charcoal which is kept inside a draw-string bag. He keeps an overtech smartphone with him, which functions in similar ways that one would expect; increased battery life, memory capacity, tamper proof, etc.[/hider] [hider=History]History: Zenith was one of two hundred and thirty three children orphaned by an umbrella organization launched sometime in the mid 1950's known as Hoher Macht, based in southern Germany. Over the course of it's existence, this group tried to cultivate an army of supernormals, with which they would contract to power-hungry nations for a high price. However, over time mass war became less profitable for nations, and so the organization used their orphans as mercenaries for hire individually, occasionally contracting out especially powerful supernormals as weapons. Zenith's speciality was mass destruction caused by nuclear blasts, especially as a terror-tactic; Hoher Macht would smuggle him into a country, where he would be placed covertly in a position to strike. Once the given perimeters were met, Zenith would kinetically gather materials, then force electrons into raw elements until they became unstable. By doing this long enough, Zenith could use the material present to create uranium. Then, using a vastly less controlled blast of electrons similar to a lightning strike, Zenith could cause fission, effectively obliterating the area around the uranium. However, partly due to the staggeringly large amount of time and energy required to preform such a task, Zenith would always be near the edge of the blast radius, too weakened to escape. Although his regeneration ensured a return to health, after being exposed to the levels of raw destruction and carnage caused by his work, Zenith became psychologically unstable. Guilt grew within him, until one day while being briefed for a new mission in the Hoher Macht headquarters, an underground bunker in a remote location, Zenith caused his last nuclear explosion to date. The organization's complex destroyed, Zenith now searches for the few remaining heads of Hoher Macht, who have melded into North American society, often as criminals. Zenith also searches for the other brainwashed soldiers who had been used, either to put them out of commission, or attempt to reform them. Legal Status: Zenith does not appear on any records worldwide; however, he is known to a portion of the German government, who Zenith had notified of Hoher Macht's destruction shortly before his departure to the USA, where he would search out the remaining members. Group Membership: Hoher Macht [organization destroyed]. [/hider] [hider=Group; Hoher Macht] Purpose: Renting out living weapons for hire; supernormal mercenaries used for contract work internationally. Reputation: Known externally by only the world elite. Thought of in the same way one would consider a typical mercenary group, but substantially more efficient and effective methods have determined Hoher Macht to be a force to be reckoned with. Foundation: Fourteen leaders of varying nationalities, who acted within strict guidelines set by their chairman. Group Size: Upon founding; fifteen members, most supernormals. At any one time, Hoher Macht had one hundred fifty mercenaries in it's army. The number of leaders was reduced to 14 from 15 with the disappearance of the chairman two years before Hoher Macht's headquarters was destroyed. Currently, there are seven leaders MIA, and less than one hundred mercenaries left alive. Group History: Hoher Macht was founded by a group of international supernormal soldiers who were unified by their distaste for their homelands. After a communication network was made sometime in the 1950's, the fifteen men officially gathered at the behest of the groups eventual chairman, Heinrich Abendroth, a supernormal with vast pyrokenetic abilities. Hoher Macht operated as intended up until it's destruction, and in that time employed mercenaries by slaughtering their families, wiping them from the public record when possible, and brainwashing them with either psychic abilities or traditional indoctrination methods. In 2013, Heinrich Abendroth vanished from the organization without explanation, which left a power vacuum within Hoher Macht. The leaders became exceedingly wealthy, and after a time only five members would be in the headquarters at any one time. This provided a means for escape from the country for a few once Zenith destroyed the complex. Currently, there is no official structure to Hoher Macht anymore, as the communications network was severed with the death of several key members. Group Location(s): South German countryside [complex destroyed]. Current members, whether active or not, are now almost exclusively within North America. Legal Status: N/A [/hider]