Xeroth rubbed his snout where the tip of the flame disc had grazed him, feeling quite uncomfortable. Yet another figure had gotten in his way, a female with power over flames. "How dare you try to injure my illustrious snout..and what did that tin can just do!" Xeroth noticed a silvery orb shoot away from Maximus who had recently got within his vision, though somewhat in the background. He stared for a moment as the orb flew away and his reptilian brain cells tried to put two and two together. Then he realized since the machine had not targeted him the only other explanation had to be...as he thought about its destination the red ribbon base was annihilated and Xeroth's mouth dropped open in realization. "No no no! Do you realize how long it takes to find those bloody things without a radar! I'm gonna be stuck guarding that sniveling worm and rummaging through lakes and caves for weeks!" As the dragon demon complained his ki started to spike rapidly, a sign of his growing rage and frustration. A burning like aura started to rage around his body and fire started to randomly spew out of his mouth whenever he opened it. "UNFORGIVABLE!" Giving himself over to instinct he charged with reckless abandon at the closest target, which at this point happened to be Amber but what he did was quite unexpected. As he lunged straight for Amber's spinning disc of destruction, opened his jaw and bit down on the disc, while the disc should of cut him severely instead when he chomped down on it and his own fire enveloped the disc his teeth snapped the disc like it was a biscuit and merely let his own immense girth smash into Amber, shoving her aside with ferocity. Glacier instantly took action and torpedoed down at the beast, firing her death beams into his hide. Xeroth covered his face with a scaled arm, the death beams merely exploded on impact instead of penetrating his flesh. Xeroth instantly counterattacked with one of his wings, leaving Glacier no room to maneuver she took the full impact of the wing, knocking her back into the air, but she was able to right herself and prevent further injury. "His hide is tough." Xeroth didn't bother to retort and merely shot flames from his mouth at whoever was nearby. While he spread his own brand of flames the lizard reached down and tore a chunk of concrete roofing from the ever expanding hole in the ceiling and flung it at Maximus in retaliation of his dragon radar snipe. The first battle with the demons had begun in earnest.