( for area did again! Get a new Phone!) ng to get out of the water as he held her there. A minute later, he abandoned her on the counter and ran away. She rolled off the counter and chased after him, her hair still sopping wet. She banged on the door and laughed, "Can't hide forever, Rayn!" "Just have to wait till morning!" He said through the door. As he looked around the bathroom... Nooot the best choice. Especially when he heard dripping. He hung his head ," ah shhh...." He looked to the sink.. He heard through the door, "Do really want to be hiding in there... With the leaky tap?" He thought about plugging it it but that wouldn't be fun. So instead he whipped opened the door and dove. Tackling her and rolling around till he was on top. "Now we have two choices. Continue to soak each other or call a truce?"