Amber's eye's widened in surprise as she watched her attack get deflected into the sky, anger filled her as she tried to glare at the one who got in the way, then before she could react she felt a sharp pain at the back of her head, the light in her eye's became faded as she fell to her knees before falling foreword going face first into the metal roof, knocked out cold, her power level dropped dramatically until it stopped just below 1 . Maximus watched as Wolf blocked and deflected Amber's attack before knocking her out, Wolf's actions confused Maximus as he tried to think why he attacked her 'what reason did he have to attack Amber? she was just trying to stop a threat, it would appear that Wolf is going to attack Glacier as well, why is Wolf doing this?, the Demon attacked us and they were defending themselves and others, does he want the fight all to himself? if that is so, then this behaviour is intolerable, I will not allow this to continue' as Maximus thought this, less then a second had past when he was in thought, then he vanished, without warning Maximus appeared in front of Glacier to intercept Wolf, as Wolf closed in Maximus positioned himself in a defensive stance as he readied to catch Wolf's punch in his left hand and counter if Wolf was to lash out at him instead