Once the pair were outside, the real celebrating began. Both of them cheered. Eve was clearly pleased that she had beaten the reigning champ, but Jurgen was more excited that his rent was now paid for a while. Well, it wasn't, not quite yet, but it would be. "Sounds like it might be worth a shot..." the cyborg agreed after a moment. He would need actual training if he was going to step into the ring himself, though. He nodded, that could be all right. Then he made a face as Eve suggested they go buy things. "I'd like to go get my rent taken care of first, actually." he said, "Once I know I've got that done, then we can go buy food and smokes. What do you want matches for?" Jurgen knew for a fact that his robot would not need lighters for a very long while, they just had to clean up his apartment and collect all of the lighters that still worked, and then she'd see. And he really didn't care if she was a purist or whatever. She was a robot, and probably couldn't even appreciate a proper cigarette. "Why do you even smoke? Aren't you a robot?" he figured now was a good time to start questioning things. He had money for a while, so looking this gift horse in the mouth wouldn't mangle his hands too badly. Things were looking way, way up, and it felt good. Gone were those feelings of dread, the gripping terror of his looming homelessness was no more. He felt free. The cyborg was going to go home and pay his rent for a whole year, and he'd still have plenty of money. If he was careful, he turn that money into even more money, and soon he'd have his own house, and wear suits everywhere, and carry a pimp cane, and he wouldn't have to take shit from anyone. He had pretty simple dreams for his life, but to know that they could come true sooner, rather than later, was a mind-blowing feeling. He just had to hold on, keep things under control, and not lose sight of the ultimate goal, like too many people did...