"You may as well shoot me now." [i]Fair enough.[/i] Tess sighted down the iron, but the nervous smile made her hesitate, [i]If I had chosen a different path, that could be me.[/i] The clatter of boots behind her jolted her back into the presence. [i]"Tess, get moving, building security has notified the blues."[/i] [i]Right...[/i] She turned to find three of the security guards running into the room from the far door, thankfully they were only equipped with stunners. "We'll talk about this later!" Tesla threw the baton back into its holster, then grabbed the overcoat bundle, and started backpedaling towards the door. "Get behind me and stay there, if you run I will shoot you!" She fired off a few rounds at the guards, tempering their headlong rush and making them dive for cover. -------------------------- One hand danced over panels, silencing alarms and verbal warnings. The other gently pushed the yoke, making minute adjustments. Yes, he was much lower than he should be, yes, he would probably get a ticket for this, and yes, he most definitely would be worrying not a few people. The intersection was right ahead though, rapidly growing in the view screen. There would be just enough room to set down, he could see flashes of light from a weapon inside the near building, a good sprint away from his landing area. [i]At least shes easy to spot.[/i] He checked the instrument panel. 10 meters...8....4...and down. The craft sighed as it settled on its pads, the engines whining as he kept them throttled up. Outside, an unfortunate car was partially crushed and scorched by the thrust of the right side engine. He hit a switch and the ramp eased down, on top of yet another car. "Someone's going to have a hard time explaining this to their insurance." He laughed to himself, then keyed the comms. "Ms. Jou, your chariot awaits. If you could please make it choppy, I saw blues on the way in." In the streets, people were starting to run from the large ship that had dropped out of practically nowhere. The sound of gunfire was now a secondary concern. Though there was an exception, a van that was zooming in the opposite direction of the running citizens.