Glacier was surprised when she suddenly felt Maximus come up near her to block Wolf's attack. The actions of the saiyan were incomprehensible at the moment, still the robot would be able to block him for a bit, her attention was still mostly riveted on the dragonoid. Xeroth tried to take in everything that was happening but neither his disposition nor his position gave him much clarity on the matter, all he knew was that there were a lot of targets. "I'll crush you all-" but then he suddenly stopped as the madoshi made telepathic contact with him. [i]"Xeroth I can sense you're having fun, but Tyrus-sama doesn't want you to hog it all for yourself. Retreat for now and continue the search, you did manage to procure some useful information after all such as that capsule corp location."[/i] Xeroth's eye widened in indignation and while he could have just spoke in his mind he kind of forgot and therefore gave everyone around him one-half of a conversation. "But I could crush them all right now before they have a chance to get in the way! It would be so simple!" [i]"Oh, so you're saying you're willing to go against His wishes?"[/i] Xeroth growled in annoyance at what the little troll was insinuating. "Grr, fine I'll leave them alone for now but if I see them again," He shot an angry glare at everyone before him and huffed out a plume of smoke, "I can't promise I won't crush em." [i]"All in good time I'm sure but for now hurry up! You have other things to do!"[/i] "Understood." Xeroth grunted and his power level started to level out, the flaming aura vanished and he flew up into the air. "You're lucky this time but if you get in my way in the future, I'll be sure to break you!" With a final snort the demon jetted away, leaving the headquarters more damaged than before. Glacier watched him sail away but readied herself to attack Wolf if the need rose.