Maximus felt the impact of Wolf's fist in his hand, he didn't take Wolf's rage into account which gave him a power boost, thus Maximus's arm was damaged, lucky for him Wolf was still recovering otherwise the damage would have been worse, but not by much, he watched as Wolf descended into the lab just narrowly evading R'yaks attack, when he was out of sight Maximus held up his left arm in front of him and looked at it, watching as electricity surged around it, it could be fixed, he lowered him arm and turned his head to watch as Xeroth flew away, Maximus seemed to relax slightly before turning to face Glacier "are you unharmed?" he droned to Glacier as he turned his head slightly allowing a knocked out Amber to get into his view . As Wolf descended into the lab, an angered Alice was waiting for him, when he got close enough for him to hear her she spoke up "What the Hell was that about?!" she exclaimed, her hands curled into fists "what?, if you cant have the 'honor' of being the only one to fight someone or something that attack us you go and attack the our allies so they can't interfere, is that it?!" she yelled at him while pointing an accusing finger towards him "I know your a dark saiyan, but you have seriously got to get over that dark saiyan honor and pride thing if you even want the slightest chance of being able to stop the dark saiyan invasion, you can't go and turn on you allies in fight unless you want you chances of success to drop dramatically" she scolded in a serous tone with a stern glare as she lowered her arm before crossing her arms and turning away from him "on top of repairing the lab, I have to put out a warning to the capsule corporation branch on my company... fortunately for us that demon and his friends wont find what their looking for" she said with a slight chuckle and a grin before she frowned slightly "but that just means they'll tear down every capsule corp. building they find while looking for it..." she said with a slightly frustrated look as she walked up to her desk and picked up her data-pad, sending out a warning to all the capsule corp. buildings world wide, that way even if the demons did attack them, they'd be ready