As the sun slipped away and let the night creep into the city of Los Silvestres, a group of friends left a bar, merry and content and, for the most part, drunk. They started to make their separate ways, leaving just one solitary man to walk the streets on his own. "Fuck, Mikey should've given me a damn ride, selfish prick... hey taxi, taxi! Where are you?! Taxi?!" As he stumbled through the streets, a pair of people sitting in a car a block away watched as the drunkard called out aimlessly for a taxi. "Damn it, you know alcohol normally doesn't bode well for me... but I guess I'm hungry enough to make an exception for tonight." "You can't blame me for being such a lightweight, Katalin." "Oh shut up. Besides, it's far too early to be drinking. I haven't the slightest idea why there's already some drunk walking around, but he must be absolutely wasted. Come on, let's just find somewhere else to go." "You have to stop changing your mind, dear. Come, let's have a bite to eat, I have an important meeting with the Deputy Mayor coming and I don't want to meet with him on an empty stomache." "... Fine. But you owe me for this, Domanyk." "Fair enough. Now get in the back seat, it'll help set the right mood." --- As he stumbled around the corner to a side street, a taxi wheeled up beside him and a woman stuck her head out to look at him. "Hey mister, are you all right?" [i]"God, she is beautiful,"[/i] the drunk thought. [i]"You should talk to her."[/i] "Yeah, no... yeah, yeah, no I'm fine." "You absolutely sure, dear? I had the cabbie pull over, I was worried you were going to get in trouble or, god forbid, sleep outside. I heard it might rain tonight." [i]"That is awfully nice! And she wants me to get in the car with her?! Well, hard to say no to that."[/i] "Ah, no rain hurt nothing, but thanks. Hey, are you heading Southbound, by any chance?" "I'm sorry, I'm headed in a completely other direction. But my place isn't too far away, my roommate and I could make some space for you if you wanted to stay for the night! You can just make up for it later." [i]"Do it."[/i] "Wow... yeah, okay, let's head to your place!" With the drunk man safely strapped inside the car, the driver starts taking them to the lady's house. Along the way, the two start to make idle talk in the back seat. "So tell me, mister, what were you doing walking on the streets all by yourself tonight?" "Ungh, the less said the better..." "Friends bail on you tonight?" interrupted the taxi driver, his eyes never straying off the road. "Yeah, I guess you can say that. I have work in two days and we all got together to celebrate the new job. I've been really meaning to get that job, too, this is a good chance for me to, uh, make a lot of money doing what I love!" "That's great! My roommate's fiance owns a butchery business and they asked me to do accounting for them. You know how it is, I guess: work's long, pay's all right, but at least it gets you the experience you need, am I right?" "Yeah, for sure." --- As the taxi driver pulled up to a house in a sparsely populated suburban area, the two people got out of the car, giggling and chatting to each other merrily. She waived the drunk to go wait by the front doors while she paid the taxi driver. Soon after, she walked up beside him and started fumbling with her keys to get the door open. "Man, I - I really cannot thank you enough for doing this, you are so kind." "Aww, thank you! It's the least I can do, you know? Didn't want to leave a poor fool like yourself on the road like that. Oh, and before I forget, my roommate has work tomorrow, so we have to be quiet, okay?" "Got it... hey, you have so many keys, but I don't see a car in the front?" "Well, you don't need a car to use a key, silly." "Haha, true - oh right, the noise. Sorry." "Thanks. Anyways, just take the stairs on your left, the ones going down, and then it'll be the third room on your right, can't miss it. I'll come by to check in on you." "And bathrooms?" "To the right, second on the left." With a courteous nod, the man cleans up in the bathroom, then heads down to the room and immediately flops on the bed and goes to sleep. Not even an hour later, he finds himself awake, unable to get out of bed, and with someone right by his neck... nibbling him? "Whoa, what -" "Despite the fact that you're completely shit-faced, I just find you so... has anyone told you you smell great?" [i]"Okay, this is definitely what I was hoping for,"[/i] the man thought. [i]"Just let it happen... you can brag about it later to Mikey, the lazy asshole."[/i] "Yeah, no one's told me that. So -" "Shh" she whispers, putting a finger on his lips. "Just be quiet, my roommate could still hear us." "Right" the man said, slowly drifting into a deep sleep, "gotta... be quiet..." --- "Katalin, you will remember to save some for me, yes?" She leaned off the body of the drunk man, looking back to Domanyk with a bloody grin and an almost innocent look in her face. "Remember who did most of the talking?" "This was a team effort, dear. The fact that he woke up while you were feeding would've set him off, had it not been for me here to keep his mind in check." "So you say." "So I know. Now make room; I'm still hungry, as well." "As you wish, Domanyk." "And Katalin, dear... we've known each other for a long time, but I would prefer if you called me by the proper title." "Of course" she said, then faintly added "Of course I'll remember, Do - ...Dracula." "That's better." Meanwhile, the forest was quiet and still around the abandoned church.