[center][b]Nadia[/b] ----Mysterious Tower----[/center] Nadia found it awkward to just sit there quietly alone. Back in Radiant Garden she was always talking and laughing with people. Either her friends or her customers. But now here she was, a Keyblade wielder, and suddenly she was alone. Even in Traverse Town she had her friends around at all times. She wanted to approach somebody, anybody and talk to them. So she looked around to see who was there. There was a terrified looking Chinese girl, a half fox girl, a dragon boy, the fun looking girl with a loud voice, a boy with white hair, a knight looking boy, and another boy who reminded her of Sora. She set her sights on the fun looking girl, curious about where she was from. But then the red fairy came out of the room with a very familiar figure. After the fairy left, leaving her standing there awkwardly, Nadia stood up. She approached Kira and couldn't resist hugging her. "Kira! It's so nice to see a familiar face here." It was for her own sake as much as Kira's. She was getting the other girl out of the spotlight, or at least distracted from it. The hug may have been a little much, but she was so relieved to see somebody from Radiant Garden doing okay. And besides, she was a huggy person. There was hope for the others yet. Though it was probably going to be hard, Nadia had faith in her friends. They could all handle themselves in one way or another. They had learned that the hard way. Just like everyone here would, or already had, learned. Just like Sora had to do. The life of a Keyblade wielder wasn't a peaceful one, as positive as Sora was all the time, Nadia could see that sometimes he was faking it. Nadia released Kira from the hug. "Sorry, I'm just really happy to see someone I know here. So you've got a Keyblade too? Why couldn't we have discovered them before we had to flee to Traverse Town?" It really would have made things so much easier. [center][b]Yue[/b] ----Mysterious Tower----[/center] Yue's wide eyed stare returned when a boy with dragon features walked past her. While fox people had nothing but had legends, dragons were considered gods in the Chinese culture. Dragons were good, foxes were bad. And besides, she had always had a fascination for things with wings and they freedom they had. Because she was so focused on the dragon boy she didn't notice right away when the fox girl sat next to her again. But when she did, she inched away again. Why wouldn't the girl just leaver her alone? There were plenty of other seats. And then she started to feel funny, her muscles relaxed without her telling them too. She didn't like it in the slightest. Now, Yue is a simple minded girl. She's from ancient China, there's no magic, no technology, just living everyday life. So when she put two and two together and realized that Sashia had something to do with what was happening to her. And taking into account her already weakened mental state after the things that had already happened to her. Well she did want any sane person would do. Freaked the fuck out. Yue shot to her feet when she realized that the fox girl was doing something to her. "Leave me alone, monster!" She shouted without thinking first, though luckily because of her panicked state it came out in Chinese so nobody probably understood it. Yue was kind of done for the moment, this was all way too much for her brain to handle. And magic had kind of been the last straw. "E-excuse me." She mumbled, and then numbly walked over to and went through the portal that they had first gone through. She was just barely able to find her room again and get inside before the waterworks started.