[quote=Zarkun] Damian had been studying the possible internal functions for the keyblade, trying to figure out how he'd just summoned it when he wanted like he just had when the first time had been out of desperation, had been out of a desire to stay alive and show that his parents had been real people. He still wanted to do that, and the only way to do it was to help Yen-Sid. As he studied the blade, one of the others came up to him. "Hey dude. What's up?" Damian looked up at the boy, appraising him. Not super well built, but the boy seemed like he hadn't exactly lived easily. "Names Rai." "Looks like things are gonna be getting kinda crazy from now on right?" Rai chuckled and Damian forced himself to consider things now that he was just sitting.They now had keyblade armor, if the metal pieces on everyone's clothes were anything to go by, and they could clearly all summon keyblades. They weren't the only ones, there were apparently others out there who could do the same thing, but they were being forgotten, a couple of kids named Riku and Sora from some world called the Destiny Isles. In the end, Rai was right. Crazy was in their future. "Yeah, I guess they are going to get crazy. Names Damian Strath, native of Monstressor Spaceport. Pleasure to meet you." [/quote] Rai smiled glad that his attempt at greet and making friends wasn't shot down. "Nice to meet ya. I'm from Destiny Islands myself. Full name is Raiden Saito. But seriously. Just call me Rai. It's quicker." He said with a smile and chuckle as once again thought about it. "It's kind of amazing to think two people as great as Sora and Riku came from there." He admitted. "Honestly I always thought of it as so plain. Nothing really big. And now... Wow." He was a little afraid of what was to come, but more so excited. And the excitement was mostly what showed. Or what he tried to show. He remembered his dad. [i]Move forward and don't let the world get you down.[/i] He thought remembered the words his father spoke. He did that often. Thought back on his father and mother's teaching. They hadn't failed him yet. Rai opened his mouth to speak again, but before he could there was a shout. It was one of the girls. [i]chinese?[/i] He thought hearing her. He didn't understand a bit of it, but he had friend back on the islands who did. One of the classes at the school. He didn't take it. If he had he would have failed. Probably would have been good to know. "So um..." It was kind of quiet. Which made Rai feel a little awkward about speaking up. But it was important. "Should one of go check on her?" She seemed to dislike the fox girl being by her. So it was probably best if she didn't go. And it might have been good for another girl to go, but he was happy to go himself. These people were gonna be his comrades. His friends. If he could help them at all in anyway he would. His mother always told him that to earn the trust and kindness of other's you would need to show them trust and kindness yourself. So he would. Thinking about it... If he had said any of this outloud he might have sounded like on hell of a dork. "So someone gonna volunteer or am I going again?" He asked calmly. Though another alternative would have been to give her, her space.Oh well. He liked his way better.