"Now then," Domanyk said as he wiped the blood off his chin, "we'll dispose of this body and then be off. Katalin, if you could have Gyula and Bora take care of disposal, I will attend to the meeting with the Deputy Mayor soon." "I thought they were out hunting themselves?" "Then call them over here and tell them to take care of this body first. There can be no trace of human rot on these lands." "Why them?" "Gyula is the hardiest of our Order, he can easily lift a body with no problem." "And Bora?" Domanyk sneered at the name. These two vampires were accomplices of Domanyk before his overthrow and eventual retreat to the New World. Gyula was around for longer, an older man about mid-forties in age and of Hungarian ancestry. He was one of the first friends Domanyk made shortly after his conversion, and perhaps one of the most loyal of followers, second only to Katalin. As for Bora... he was a Turkish officer converted, forced to serve the whims of the Transylvanian Order as a lowly servant. As a former member of the Ottoman army that ambushed him in the first place, Domanyk never liked him. Yet for some reason, when Domanyk proclaimed himself the second coming of Dracula, Bora became one of the most useful allies to help dispatch the old Order. In truth, Domanyk did not know why he kept a Turkish vampire around, but he regretted doing so ever since. "I want two to walk together; no vampire of my Order shall roam alone and put themselves at risk." "As you wish, Dracula." "Good. Now I must be off, good night Katalin." With that, Domanyk left her while she started to make calls. He went to the vehicle that they drove in, started the car up and began his drive back to the city. He was careful never to meet the Deputy Mayor in places where they could be caught in public; after all, the Deputy Mayor only serves as the administrative head of government, not the actual head - that is, of course, reserved for the Mayor him or herself - and to have the two meeting in public would put both uncomfortably in the limelight. For one of them, however, it could prove to be lethal. Tonight's meeting was scheduled under one of the older, smaller bridges that passed over a dried creek bed, which, because of its historical roots, was never replaced with a proper road system. It has never been a very popular route to take, especially since it's now located in a rougher part of the neighbourhood, which only makes it one of Domanyk's preferred meeting spots for important meetings that could otherwise never be allowed to take place in office buildings. The office hours would never agree to Domanyk, and the desolation of the place helps ensure that, even if they were confronted by gangsters and other hooligans, they could be dispatched with very quickly. Upon arriving at the bridge, Domanyk would see a car with its engine hood and trunk space opened up - a sign that the Deputy Mayor was nearby. Parking behind the car, Domanyk slowly stepped out and walked to the underpart of the bridge. He crafted himself in an illusion to prevent others from identifying his true form - not that Domanyk would ever be a familiar figure in these areas, anyways, but he could never take risks. Once in the underpass, Domanyk was greeted by a rather terrified-looking old man, someone who felt very uncomfortable with their surroundings. "This is absurd" the Deputy Mayor spoke. "I feel like we're in such a dangerous place." "Relax" Domanyk said as he laid a hand on his shoulder, "I would never put you directly in harm's way." The Deputy Mayor gave a sigh of relief, confident that Domanyk was telling the truth. "So you've always said, good sir." "And when have I ever been proven wrong?" "Indeed. But enough drivel, I take it you wouldn't call me out here for no good reason." "Of course, my friend. I have a few requests. Mostly updates on administrative practices, what the Councillors and Mayor have been up to, and a very... special request. I feel that it's time now that I solidify my hold over this city, and I need your help to make it happen." "What would you have me do?" "I want the emergency services in my pocket, including the local Chief of Police... and the head of the State Police operating this region. Now if you would spare me your time, I believe I have a way of making this work."