"Don't they all?" The young man with Dragon features said to Spades. He had made his way to Yui room to apologise for his little sister behaviour not long before Spades had gone. Plus the ways he had been brought up meant that he had been trained and knew many of the other languages of the other worlds and he thought it might help Yui if she had someone that could talk to her in her Native tongue. He stood outside the door to let Spades go in first just in case Yui would prefer to talk to someone of her own gender. He of course knew he would need to have serious words with Sashia regarding the way she was acting. Sometimes Being the big brother, is not always a glorious job epically when your own Sister had the form of a trickster. -- Sashia was silent as Yui left the room and Cursed Sashia in whatever native Language Yui spoke in, "Great, we have someone with a really frail mind. She's not going to be much help to us if this is how she deals with things like this" Sashia mumbled to herself before she stood up and stretched her body. Apart from the Kitsune parts, Sashia was actually a very attractive woman who could use her charms well. She was often very charming and sweet to people but since the Kitsune event something had changed within her to make her this way she was now. Still sh turned her attention to Kira as she walked in and walked up to her as she held out her hand and said "Welcome fellow Sister of the Keyblade warriors, my name is Sashia Fertar the younger sister of the half dragon you saw"