[quote=Freeshooter92] She will die without medical attention. [/quote] Currently we're at the town so she's getting that, at least is safe to assume she is. Also, Free, since I don't remember you mentioning the runes (it's possible I might've forgot and lost the notes) here's some info on them. [hider=Vitamancy Runes] -Unlimited healing, after each use it needs at least a(depending on wound severity) IC hour recharge since its only meant for emergency use. Anything above the serious wound mark will take longer due to more arcanite in the item used. -Can heal most physical wounds though the healing rate varies. [indent]*Light Wounds [ scratches, bumps and cuts]= a few seconds *Serious wounds [vital organs, arteries, tendons, etc. short of severed completely through] = a few minutes, best done outside combat *Grave [punctures to vital organs-save heart or head kills blows-, severed arteries, tendons, etc. as long as there’s some skin touching it’s mendable]= an hour or more, best done outside battle *Additional notes: You can force up to two healings without it overheating, however it will be rather hot to the touch, and any attempts to go beyond that will risk it not working or worse. [/indent][/hider]