Xeroth had been flying for a while, still in a bit of a steam at having been interrupted but orders were orders. As such he was not exactly paying attention to his surroundings and so was quite surprised when he got another telepathic message from the madoshi saying, "what do you think you're doing! Don't lead an enemy right to me!" The little goblin screamed in his mind making Xeroth wince a bit. "What are you talking about!" Xeroth grunted and turned around to see Violet trailing him, "nevermind, I see it. Guess I'll smash her and be done with it." Xeroth clenched his fists and was about to charge the android when Tyrus stepped into the telepathic conversation. "No, I want to meet this person myself, stay where you are so we can get a reading on your position." Back at their 'hideout' Tyrus nodded to the Madoshi who looked a little intimidated at Tyrus's sudden appearance. "Ahem, yes of course." The little goblin creature raised his hands and started to chant and with a wave of his arms, Tyrus was teleported to Xeroth's location. Tyrus was nothing if not elegant, with his long white hair and thing dark blue umbrella he was the spitting image of an ancient aristocrat. He gazed over at Violet with soft, golden eyes and started to 'walk', on air, toward her. "A pleasure to make your aquaintance my lady, I just had to see one of the individuals who were going to give young Xeroth here a hard time." Every move and action the demon made seemed to telegraph himself as being above all others, though in a way that showed amusement rather than contempt for those below him. "Forgive his actions," he motioned to Xeroth in a careless manner, "he will do anything to please me and can get rather overambitious." He chuckled a bit while covering his mouth with an oversized kimono sleeve and stopped a short way from Violet. "So to what do I owe the pleasure?"