[CENTER][IMG]https://i.ppy.sh/fb322333a48110de5f7ff7bc97375da34492fcbc/687474703a2f2f7075752e73682f61315778352f333262343938343666342e6a7067[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][B]The Imperial Capital, a place where the rich and powerful live in prosperity, while the poor and unfortunate live down in the slums, being abused and in constant danger of the depravity of the Imperial Capital. In here, you'll find different kinds of people, and different kinds of degenarates that rom around. If you are lucky enough to have been born in the capital under a powerful family, then your life is more or less fixed for you, however, if you are someone who came from outside the capital, in search for a better life, then you should brace yourself, as you'll experience the worst humanity has to offer. Murder, rape, torture, human experimentation and even some Danger Beasts lurking at the outskirts of the city. Truly, a place where most people have forsaken their humanity. All of this, ruled by the iron fist of the Prime Minister, who controls the childish Emperor from the shadows. He and the private army of the emperor ensure that none can oppose them. On the other side, as it should be expected, there is a resistence, opposing and trying to cure the rotten capital. The Revolutionary Army. They go against the Imperial Capital and its army head on. Acting from the shadows as well, they plot assassinations and things of the like, trying to make things easier for when they start their invasion. This war is fought with the special weapons, called 'Teigus', or Imperial Arms. There are 48 in total, and all of them grant great power to their users, some times, enough to face entire armies all on your own. Of course, this varies depending on the weapon. There are even some Teigus that are organic, and have a mind of their own, though they still obey their owners. It is believed that whenever two owners of Teigus clash, only one will remain alive after their fight ends. Choose your side. The rotting Capital and minister or the Revolutionary Army, trying to free people from the tyrannical empire?[/B][/I] Hello! I bring you this today! An RP based on the universe of Akame Ga Kill! Of course, we wouldn't have any canon characters, though, I'd be willing to dicuss it if you wanted to RP one. I want to center this RP in a small group of 4 to 6 roleplayers. Of course, and since this RP will most likely see a lot of killings and muders, everyone can have as many characters as they want. Of course, I am not about to be flexible about my limit for RP'ers, though, if we ever need one more, I'm always willing to open up a spot if so needed, but I'll try to keep 6 as my cap. Also, your characters can have any existant Teigu already in the manga and anime, OR you can create your own! There's 48 of them, of which we've already seen 26 (If I'm counting right), so there's a possibility to create another 22. For further reference, I'll leave a link here: [url=http://akamegakill.wikia.com/wiki/Teigu] I'll also put up a CS if this gathers enough interest, and all players must post their CS's here before opening the OOC. I'm also open to any suggestions you may have for a plot. Maybe, focus on only one side or on both? Let me hear your opinions and thoughts! [hider=CS Skeleton!] [bAppearance:[/B] [A decription or an image, or both would be great! Only anime pics, please. If too big, please put in hiders.] [bName:[/B] [Can only be one given name and no surname, following the tradition of anime and manga] [bAge:[/B] [Any age after 14, please] [bBirthplace:[/B] [The capital or some invented village, I won't be picky with this.] [bSide:[/B] [Revolutionary Army or Imperial Capital?] [bPersonality:[/B] [Just a basic gist, I'll love to see it develop more in game. At least one paragraph, please.] [bBackstory:[/B] [The same, just a basic gist. Tell me how they grew up, what has happened to them, why is their personality like it is, with which side did they sided with and why, how did they get their Teigu? At least 2 paragraphs please.] [bWeapons and Equipment:[/B] [Beside their Teigu, anything that they also use in battle.] [bTheme Song:[/B] [Any music you like to accompany your battles with?] [bOthers:[/B] [Quirks or similars. Anything that doesn't fit in other sections] [b[uTeigu[/U][/B] [Just a mere separation, erase this explenation when you make your CS.] [bTeigu Name:[/B] [The name of a Teigu is usually divided in two, a small descriptory statement of the Teigu and its actual name, such as: One-Cut Killer - Murasame] [bTeigu Appearance:[/B] [A mere description will suffice. A picture would be great, though!] [BTeigu Type:[/B] [Offensive, Defensive, Elemental,Armor, Support or Organic. CAn be two at the same time.] [bTeigu Abilities:[/B] [What can it do? How can it be applied to battle?] [bTrump Card:[/B] [If it has one. You could call this a last resort of sorts. Please, describe what your trump card does and under which circumstances you can use it.] [bStrengths:[/B] [Self explanatory.] [bWeaknesses:[/B] [Self explanatory. Also put here what kind of toll it takes to use it. Extreme fatigue, gains more power just when you are in trouble, etc....][/hider] [CENTER][B][U]SPOTS: 6/6 taken! No spots open![/U][/B][/CENTER]