The inside of The Platinum Orbit was like something out of a hedonistic dream, or nightmare depending on your mindset. It also didn’t matter what time of day it was, most of the people here stayed and partied for days at a time. The huge vaulted ceiling was the most noticeable feature, along with huge, delicately engraved pillars and orb-like lights that seemingly hung in mid-air. Four raised platforms ran through the middle of the enormous dancefloor, meeting in the middle where a pedestalled DJ cubicle stood. Dozens of figures in strange headgear mixed a cacophony of music which could be interpreted differently depending on which room you were sat in thanks to Sonorous Interpretation Shields. Thousands of people danced manically on the floor to the thumping music, strobe lights mixed with multi-coloured lasers and psychedelic holograms helped stimulate the no doubt copious quantities of mind expanding drugs being consumed in the various booths and seating areas stationed like islands in the dancefloor ocean. Jack strode purposefully forward, dodging gracefully through mobs of people walking and talking on their way to some other part of the club. The Platinum Orbit had dozens of different zones, all with contrasting moods and decor, Jack was headed for the Lambda Suite, the place which was most likely to be housing his father. The club had an upper level that ringed the main dancefloor, people from the various upper areas could look down on the peasants from afar while enjoying a more sophisticated style of music. The best of both worlds some might say, Jack just found the enormous grand staircase an unnecessary waste of time. An elevator would have done the job and saved space and time. The Lambda Suite was decorated in purples and pinks. Huge padded booths and lounge chairs held some of Babylon’s most distinguished celebrities and socialites. Jack got out his credit card to pay his way in but the bouncer waved it away. “No need pal, you’ve already paid.” Jack strode through. ~At least my eight grand buy in gives me freedom to go wherever i want in this hellhole.~