Heyo! Username: louie221 Name: Louie "Pitch" Black Age: Twenty One Mageblood Type: Obiligatio Magic Class: Necromancy Magic Training: Novice Race: Human Appearance: [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/304/4/5/gw2_necromancer_speed_paint_by_gnin-d5jj20y.png[/img] Where Was He Born/Lives: Born in Hysteria, Djarkel. Beliefs: Common Sense, Intelligence, Hope, Respect to those who deserve it, and Caution. Does Not Believe In: Stupidity, Mistakes, Faith (For now anyway), Arrogance. Weapon Besides Magic(IF this is applicable): Throwing Daggers. Looking For in a Good Friend: Loyalty, Helpfulness, Intelligence. Bio: Born in Djarkel, he grew up a dreary child. He grew up in Hysteria, which is fairly self explanatory. The town was an interesting place to live, always some odd news going about, always being changed a bit from person to person. But there were times when it was just too much, either too much exaggeration or too much craziness all packed into a single story. There were, indeed, some lighter stories told, in which his parents told him when he was just a small child. They were of magical powers, heroes saving the day, or the world for that matter. Louie's favorite story was about an evil wizard who had harnessed the power of Necromancy and saved a small village from evil. The wizard's name was Maekul Pitch. Being so obsessed with the story, he was then nicknamed after Maekul. From that point on, most people called him Pitch instead of his real name. As he grew older, he became smarter, his quick mind picking up smaller details that often led to interesting surprises. Curiosity built up in him, creating little bubbles that popped into life as he became more educated. Slowly, he began to build his knowledge through the local gossip and stories. They taught him a lot about Life, how it was a great thing. Yes, a great thing it was, and so was it's brother - Death. Stories of Death grew popular during Pitch's childhood, giving him a rather dark sense of curiosity and imagination. When he was thirteen years of age, he had learned to build traps, in which he set around the city, tripping, slightly injuring, or angering the locals. Pitch laughed and laughed, the name of the city growing inside of him like a disease. Later, he had disturbing thoughts of death upon the locals, giving him the opportunity to practice the magic he had heard years ago. Necromancy, just the thought of it, gave him the chills. It thrilled him, the idea of bringing the dead to life. He had eventually gotten the attention of a local and lured him just outside the city. Being as cunning as he was, he got him to an open, quiet spot. He cornered him, revealing a small piece of metal he stole from the blacksmith's shop. He pierce's the local's heart, laughing at the blood that he had just spilled. Moments after he'd done it, he beat himself up for doing it. Killing a man is not right, he thought. But the thought soon escaped him. He practiced on the body, trying to bring it to life, or move it at the very least. After years of practice, filled with dementia, he had successfully done something, which may seem boring to those who do not enjoy the dead. He had moved the body. Well, moved the arms a bit. They had twitched for a while, and then he had moved them around as if it were a living thing. He needed to find a place to harness this power. To breath in Life and exhale Death. To be the one to decide whether a man lives or dies. Now, as I said, Pitch is a very crazy man, but he has his soft side. At age eighteen, he met the woman he loved. They got along well in the city, though she was very sane, very sane indeed. Even so, she loved Pitch with all her heart. As did Pitch, he loved her with all of his cold, withered, black heart. They dated for four years before she died. A horrible accident with an experiment of Pitch's. He was experimenting on possession, when it went downhill. He told the spirit to entertain him, something that he'd remember. The spirit possessed a large rock, very sharp on the edges. The rock cut Pitch's love far too deeply to be healed, and died of blood loss. This left Pitch distraught, even to this day. He swore his life on mastering Necromancy to bring her back, he promised her that as he buried her. With a withered rose sitting atop her grave, he left in search of a place of magic. After less than a year of searching, he found a building filled with mages of different magic areas of study. This was the place, the place of which he could bring his love back. His dementia still flooding his mind, he made his way inside.......... Good Attributes: Good with Knife Throwing, Brutally Honest, Catches Small Things, Smart Bad Attributes: Demented, Brutally Honest (Yes it's meant to be in here twice...), Slow Physically. Secret Word: Rebirth