[hider=CS Skeleton!] [bAppearance:[/B] [A decription or an image, or both would be great! Only anime pics, please. If too big, please put in hiders.] [bName:[/B] [Can only be one given name and no surname, following the tradition of anime and manga] [bAge:[/B] [Any age after 14, please] [bBirthplace:[/B] [The capital or some invented village, I won't be picky with this.] [bSide:[/B] [Revolutionary Army or Imperial Capital?] [bPersonality:[/B] [Just a basic gist, I'll love to see it develop more in game. At least one paragraph, please.] [bBackstory:[/B] [The same, just a basic gist. Tell me how they grew up, what has happened to them, why is their personality like it is, with which side did they sided with and why, how did they get their Teigu? At least 2 paragraphs please.] [bWeapons and Equipment:[/B] [Beside their Teigu, anything that they also use in battle.] [bTheme Song:[/B] [Any music you like to accompany your battles with?] [bOthers:[/B] [Quirks or similars. Anything that doesn't fit in other sections] [b[uTeigu[/U][/B] [Just a mere separation, erase this explenation when you make your CS.] [bTeigu Name:[/B] [The name of a Teigu is usually divided in two, a small descriptory statement of the Teigu and its actual name, such as: One-Cut Killer - Murasame] [bTeigu Appearance:[/B] [A mere description will suffice. A picture would be great, though!] [BTeigu Type:[/B] [Offensive, Defensive, Elemental,Armor, Support or Organic. CAn be two at the same time.] [bTeigu Abilities:[/B] [What can it do? How can it be applied to battle?] [bTrump Card:[/B] [If it has one. You could call this a last resort of sorts. Please, describe what your trump card does and under which circumstances you can use it.] [bStrengths:[/B] [Self explanatory.] [bWeaknesses:[/B] [Self explanatory. Also put here what kind of toll it takes to use it. Extreme fatigue, gains more power just when you are in trouble, etc....][/hider] If you have any suggestions regarding the CS, please, do tell and they will be added.