He watched her as She thought about it herself before sighing, "But what can he offer them that Zhou can't. They'll need to keep their group small, just the necessities..." Another reason why we couldn't be the moles. He thought to himself. She looked between the two men, "However, can we not talk about this here?... It is probably best to go somewhere more private... This isn't really something that should be discussed in public and we need to move fast." " No need to worry here miss." He smiled and waved to the room. "We are all friends here in the common cause." He then motioned with the twist of his head I follow him. As they did they would come to an office filled with trophies and clippings of his wins and His gym. " we may continue to talk here if you fear of overhearing." He sat down in a large office chair and placed his fingertips together. " What can I offer? " he motioned trophies around. "I'm sure this Zhou is an exellent fighter in your books. He may be a worthy opponent. But I'm guessing he is not a bender if you compared him to me. " he smiled" I know every style of bending. Course I can't bend but I can teach a bender forms... Which would be helpful for the new Avatar. Which is VERY exciting news by the way, but what I have that most likely he doesn't?" He smiled even more. "The art of nullifying ones bending ability... With five pin point exact blows I can block the chi and their ability to bend, even if they are the masters of it. " He looked at the man. "I would actually like that odds. It would be most interesting." He lanes back and said, "you still haven't given me your names. Which is quite rude coming into my home." He said politely "My name is Rayn." At which Han dropped his feet from the desk and leaned closer to look at him. "Reeeeeeally?" He stood up and walked around his desk. Looking him up and down with a quizzical look. His arms folded and his right hand holding his chin and covering his mouth. Not the normal reaction he got from new recruits when they found out it was him. Rayn was highly respected in the rouge benders for his skill and fierceness in battle. He then met eyes with Han and Han said," I thought you would be bigger..." He said with a smile. His eyes lit up as he looked at Nyima. "Then you must be Nyima! The beautiful partner who made a name for her self in less than three years. Quickly becoming a master of her style... Truly an honor. The rumors of your beauty do you no justice as I see you. I would love to spar with you sometime." He winked at her. Rayn rolled his eyes " So now you know who we are here's the details of your mission." He then began to relate all that happened pertianant to the airbender and now the new avatar. He also said try not to hurt or kill the water benders in the group. When the time came. Or he will deal with Rayn. They also set a plan to solitify the trust in the group for Han. He then wrote down the Address and said" now go find them and once they start moving we will move in. We will be masked during this. There is a cop in the group and her brother so we can't be seen involved. Everyone else will be wearing one as well. Got it?" He said with a gruff voice. Han nodded and gave a mocking "YES SIR." salute and quickly grabbed a few things before rushing out of the gym. Obviously excited for the plan which during he was bouncing around at the idea of how fun it was going to be for him. Rayn looked at Nymia. " well let's go get changed... And ready for a long trip."