[center][b]Terry Yates - Squad 17[/b][/center]
Terry smiled, happy they had a plan and slightly proud that she was the one who thought of it. [i]Let’s just hope it works. It’d be terrible if we didn’t at least make it to the edge of seven since we wouldn’t have fire or shelter.[/i] “Make sure to listen for the sound of running water! That way we know were heading the right way and not west!” She shouted after Joseph and moved to follow him but stopped when she noticed Samuel seemed a bit… uneasy on his mount. 

“You alright bud? If you’re having trouble keeping balance you can hold the reins in one hand and the front of the saddle with the other. Also make sure grip the saddle with your thighs, keep your heels down, and your back straight. You’ll be just fine, these guys are pretty obedient compared to others. If you need help just tell me, alright?” She smiled at him reassuringly before glancing over at Joseph who was still speeding away. [i]Well this combination can’t be good. Hopefully I just misinterpreted this situation and Samuel’s just feeling a bit stressed or sick. Granted neither’s good anyway.[/i]