Nyima felt a little useless in the conversation when after Rayn introduced himself and Han put one and one together and figured out who she was. [I]"Then you must be Nyima!"[/I] She nodded her head, ensuring him that he had guessed right,[I] "The beautiful partner who made a name for her self in less than three years. Quickly becoming a master of her style... Truly an honor. The rumors of your beauty do you no justice as I see you. I would love to spar with you sometime,"[/I] she scratched the back of her neck. She was glad that she wasn't just know as the pretty side kick to Rayn, her actual skills were known as well. She had gotten worried there for a moment. She nodded her head, "From what I've heard about you, you'd probably be better off sparring Rayn." There was no way she was going to go all googly eye over him because he was strong and winked a lot. She was starting to think that it was an involuntary twitch. Besides, if she was going to fall for some strong, older man, she might as well just do that with Rayn. After he left, she looked at Rayn and nodded her head. She really did hate masks and now with the fact that her brother and the girl had seen her, she'd have to more about her disguised appearance to properly hide her casual one. She walked with Rayn out of the gym. She glanced up at him, "Don't act so glum... Sure it is going to be a lot of waiting around but... That means fire and camping and that's always been fun." Nyima smiled at him, trying to lighten the mood but he still remained angry and upset. Of course, he didn't exactly appear to be either of these things but she knew. She sighed and looked at her hands, "Are you mad at me?"