Looking up to Masuto, she offered a feeble smile in a poor attempt to lighten the mood. "I suppose we must come off as rude.. It looks as if you were having a party here, your birthday? Sorry about the party-crashing.. Especially since we must seem so unfamiliar to you.. But, if it is.. Happy Birthday!" She glanced to Zhou as if expecting apparently him to join in. He looked at Masuto and for a moment he said nothing. He was talking with his mother about feeling something. He looked at Mizuki and raised an eyebrow he then said" happy birthday... Young avatar... I'm sorry to say that you must go and get ready to leave... We have a long journey ahead of us... And better we leave soon... Perhaps this is not safe once word gets around about you." He didn't wait for an answer as he turned around and walked outside looking at the Airbender who was pulling herself together. He looked forward and said softly. " I'm sorry for your loss. Death of close friends and family is a hard thing." He looked down.