Zenji's eyes flickered open at the sound of Zhou's voice. She inhaled sharply before her brain calmed her and found the logical explanation. She smiled at him softly, "Yes... It really is... Most people just don't have to face them all at once..." She looked around the street slightly, "I guess I shouldn't just be standing out in the open like this... Just because people say they're willing to protect me... doesn't mean I should give them reason to..." She pulled out her toque and pulled it over her hair again, hiding the vibrant colour. She sighed, "I got chased down a few days ago... They've gotten more frequent... I'm starting to think it has something to do with my hair..." She shook her head and looked toward the door, "I'm not holding us up at all, am I? Masuto isn't waiting for me to get a hold of myself before we go to the island... right? Because if they want to go now..." she shrugged, "I'll be fine."