Samson shook his head. "Colisore isn't on the table until we have seized some other assets and managed to gain a foothold. If we try and take it we'll just have an uprising on our hands. We do have enough assets to hold it but we won't have the forces to move out and take other systems and if we come under attacks we will be assaulted on all sides. No, it won't be easily turned to us through battle or through political means. Blackstar presents us with an opportunity though. They have overthrown the Empire due to their royal leadership whereas we have a different style, leadership through skill. We should be able to try and, offer them in order for assistance. Alternatively there are always corporate aspects to exploit whenever you have someone who is bigheaded and corrupt. I know it is somewhat ironic when I speak of corruption when that would mean we take control to subvert and replace the current administration however there are other options. Ready the fleet, I'll take a full report on our strength in my quarters in ten minutes." He gave his XO a salute before walking out, and walking out of the room and towards his quarters. He had several ideas however they would require some more work before he went about doing them, he had contacts within the Remnant but his time to use them to bring down the Remnant in this sector wasn't right. What he had to do right now was he had to ensure that they were ready. Once he began moving on planets opposition would start to form. What he really needed was the Force but that wasn't going to happen, if only he had someone with the Force he could use... he did have a detector from the times when Jedi were hunted however there were many variables to consider, to ensure that whoever it was would not just take over as soon as he was trained.