[hider=Ken Tsukino] [centre] Name: Ken'ichi Tsukino Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/78/29/8a/78298a2efca7a41d901079b42e44d52d.jpg[/img] Personality: Ken'ichi's most notable trait is that he is a sore loser, he hates to lose and enjoys to win. While this is one of five things that gets him frustrated it is the worse and most frequent as he can't live winning everything he does. The boy is honest and humble but too prideful. The fact he will help someone with their problem no matter how small but won't ask for help from anyone. He is also quite stubborn and very apologetic. Sorry is almost his favourite word "Excuse me, sorry to bother you", or "Sorry to be a pest but", and his most favorite towards the ladies. "I apologize for disturbing you, have a nice day". Ken'ichi is also quite a clingy person as he does small clingy things that he doesn't even notice, such as walking with a person he just met, or getting attached to a girl. Weapon: Metal baseball bat Arcana: Strength Arcana Initial Persona: [url=http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Titan]Titan[/url] Weakness Ice(Bufu) Innate Skills Mazio(Electricity) Skull Cracker (Physical attack) Dekunda (Dispels nda from allies Prime Persona: (Leave blank for now) Ultimate Persona: (Leave blank for now) History: Ken'ichi or Ken, came from an alright family but still had to earn his own things regardless. His mother was always playing two rolls of a parent while his father hung out with Yakuza and mere street gang, trying to earn a reputation. Not only did it make Ken more independent, but it made him want a dream family, like the happy ones he saw on cartoons, a married family with well looked after kids. Growing up he always liked playing sport, something about kicking a ball, or swinging a kendo wooden blade, soothed his mind, he was a gifted athlete. As he grew older he would try and pursue a career as an athlete, he had physic, he had the confidence, but he was too easily distracted. This year he had a chance to be captain of the Kendo team but due to his recent break up his mind is all over place. Not only this but doing naughty deliveries for the Yakuza also made things hard. Took up much of his time, though he still managed to keep playing sports even for half and hour. Right now his main focus is getting some friends, just to take his mind off things. Inventory *lucky baseball bat *Beads of luck *Paper bag with unknown substance [/centre][/hider]